Chapter 6 - The strategy

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Chapter 6 - The strategy

I'm furious, why is it district 12 is outshining everyone this year? Usually district 12 is the least desirable district, they hardly ever win and their tributes never come close to winning or making a good impression to the viewers. Its not that I don't like Katniss, she's a lovely person. I just don't like the way i'm feeling, like I've lost all hope.

We haven't entered the arena yet and already it's survival of the fittest, and I am not one of them.

We devote the next day to entire preparation for the interviews with Caesar Flickerman. I'm positively scared shitless, but I know I need to make an impression. So I bite back my fear and swallow it.

Until lunch I have some time with Seeder, while Thresh is preparing with Fonda. I don't know what preparation she can possibly offer us, but it must be worthwhile otherwise I don't think Seeder would allow it. With Seeder I will be going over my strategy for the interviews, and learning how to capture the hearts of the audience.

We sit at the couch and Seeder faces me.

"From your dress, I suppose you have a rough idea what your strategy shall be?" She asks,

"I'm going to come across as an adorable child?" I ask, not wanting to give the wring answer.

Seeder smiles.

"Yes, an adorable, cute, lovable little child. It should make them love you completely."

It should be a great strategy, it will make them relate to their children. After all I am one of the youngest tributes here, and hopefully my adorableness will attract sponsors. Which will supply me with aid if ever needed and if I'm very lucky.

We watch recordings of last years interviews, last year a boy from District 2 won. Another tribute who had been trained all his life. He was be deadly, and even in his interview he came across as violent. He seemed laid back and relaxed but when Caesar asked of what he showed the games makers, he just laughed.

"Let's say I demolished their targets. Which I will do to my fellow tributes!"

The crowd roars, and a chill runs down my spine. He also seems cocky and slight arrogant, but the audience love it. Caesar looks uncomfortable for a few minutes, sitting next to such an arrogant and ruthless person.

Others that year came across shy and harmless. The girl from district 6 that year took that role. She only answered Caesar's questions when needed and even then she was quiet.

"She did well in the games. Made it to the final five, but then she died of hunger. She didn't know how to hunt or which fruits were safe to eat. So she just wasted away." Seeder informs me.

I feel sorry for her and I'm suddenly glad I did refresh my memory in the training center. I can hunt with knifes, by throwing them at animals, or shooting them with a bow. I'm okay from that perspective, and I'm glad I refreshed my memories on berries and fruits.

"Another good key point is making the audience laugh. Make them laugh and they'll think you'll be a good person to have stick around, the kind of person they'd want to see on tv every once in a while."

This also seems like a good approach, I think to back in school a boy named Winston. The class joker as everybody calls him, always telling jokes, getting into trouble, its quite amusing to watch. Just at that moment a thought comes to my mind, what did Seeder do in her interview?

"Seeder, what was your strategy for your interview?"

The expression on her face makes her look distant, far away as if she is trying to revisit her interview. For a moment neither of us says anything, but she nods her head as if speaking to herself.

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