Let's Make a Deal

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Kaleb got a chill from the intent behind those words. He was still afraid to move too much, and it was out of the question to use natural energy when this woman was so much more powerful. He was about to speak, but Madelyn placed her finger over his mouth and said, "Don't think I'll let my husband give those precious daughters of mine away to someone who has something so dangerous attached to him. If it is women rather than treasure you want, my husband doesn't have to know."

She lifted her finger away and stared at Kaleb with a coquettish gaze. Kaleb didn't move, but felt good intentions behind her actions. He seemed to calm down a bit as he thought, "She was trying to protect her children from...attached!" Kaleb's face turned beet red as he stammered, "I-I'm only twelve so, um, too young for that kind of thing lady Madelyn. Y-you don't have to go to this extent, I already plan on accepting Mr. Alfred's request. A-also please forget that bit before dinner happened."

She seemed to stop when she heard Kaleb's age. She had heard the story from Khàba, but never thought this boy would be so young! That only made everything about him scarier; he hadn't even hit puberty! Kaleb sat up carefully to keep from aggravating his life force and turned to Madelyn. He said, "I honestly don't know if I will be strong enough to fight in the tournament for your family. The abilities I used in the stories you heard was mostly due to borrowed power by either treasures or burning life force. Also, I wasn't going to ask for much from the Iyar Lordship. I just need history, news, and maps so I can learn and move around. My only goal is to get stronger."

A smile crossed Madelyn's lips as she thought for a moment then said, "Let's make a deal. You join and win the competition, and we will provide you with as many training materials as possible. I cannot guarantee that you will be getting things equivalent to your current treasures, but they can help you along the way. There is no real demerit to you refusing, but let's take a quiet look through the shopping district before you say anything. I'll be going, so see you at breakfast!"

She made a quick exit before Kaleb could utter another word. Kaleb stared into space contemplating the merits and demerits of helping them through the rest of the night.

The next morning, Kaleb got dressed in his azure clothing, but poured a little dragon attuned natural energy into it along with his intent to change its shape. That was one of the more useful bits about this magic cloth; it never tore or aged, could change form as long as the Azure Dragon wanted to, and formed appropriate holes for extra body parts.

Kaleb found his familiar maid at the door waiting to guide him. Today he had dressed a little eloquently, as he replicated his father's patriarchal formal attire. After confirming his bloodline, he could be considered the young master of the Girika family. He decided to celebrate by himself due to there being no real family of that name anymore. He was guided once again to the dining hall where Alfred was already seated. Kaleb was about to take a seat to the side of the table, but Alfred motioned the boy to sit beside him. He began by greeting Kaleb as he said, "My, you seem festive today! Are those your normal clothes? That style hasn't seen the light of day in so long, no one save for my grandfather wore it. Does it have meaning?"

Kaleb cooly said, "It is in rememberance of my late father. He was the last Patriarch of the family, but I never had time to mourn him. Now that I am relatively safe, I can. However I also wanted to visit the streets of Eriton and see your beautiful city t-."

Kaleb got no further in their chat as the children burst through the door and tackled down their father with hugs. Their mother quickly followed with an amused look on her face. Once finished with their morning greetings, the children took a position in a line facing Kaleb as Madelyn cleared her throat and said, "I heard they never thanked you, much less introduced themselves to you. As their savior, I found that unacceptable. Now, as you practiced."

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