The Lord's Tourney Begins

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The next morning,  everyone in the city rose with unprecedented vigor. Everyone's excited spirits were so powerful that it even seemed to quicken the natural energy throughout the city! Kaleb had been gifted many enhancements before their proper time in his body. After completing stage two attunement in the Iron Cloud's Shadow and surpassing single completion of the other two, the Azure Dragon's gift to Kaleb's eyes started to take shape. He had attempted to use their full force once, but ended up on the ground drained of energy and coughing blood in an instant. Though he couldn't use them properly, his attunement was at a level that allowed some of the Azure Dragon Eyes' power to shine. The carriage that brought Kaleb and the Lord to registration yesterday was part of a bigger procession today while surrounded by intimidating guards. The streets were thick with people who were trying to get in line for the best seat they could afford for this near once in a lifetime performance. The carriage bypassed the crowd due to both status and the obvious reason that these processions held the contestants for the competition. Though faint, Kaleb could actually see the streams of natural energy flowing through the world as if they were a tangible thing. Watching the streams seemed surreal as the energy of the crowd instigated them to speed up further and further until they seemed to boil and froth. Kaleb's attention was only pulled away when the carriage entered the side of the looming structure that took up a good portion of the center of the city.

Eriton was once a pioneering town that obtained it's name through mercenaries and other adventurous souls taming the wilds. With so many hot-blooded people in a single space, there were more than enough quarrels to pave the streets with blood. To avoid this, the Colosseum was built for issues to be resolved in an environment that was at least easier to clean up than the streets. It eventually became a form of entertainment and used as a decider for power over the city. If one didn't have power, how could they tame a city like Eriton?

Once the cavalcade entered an open area built to hold the carriages and various beasts, Lord Alfred gestured​ for Kaleb and the rest to exit the cabin. They, and many others getting out, were guided to a long table with stairways going up either side. Once the verification at the tables were completed and the group was handed a key, Lord Alfred expertly guided them up the stairs to a door with a number corresponding to the key. Once the door was opened, Kaleb could see through a set of windows right out onto the stages of the arena! These rooms were used for the nobles who were vying for the position as ruler of the city. Once everyone was seated, Lord Alfred explained the basic rules. Fifteen minute fights where one has to pressure the opponent to surrender, be unable to continue fighting, or push them out of the ring.

After a bit more waiting, the Colosseum was filled to the brim with bodies. Even with everyone speaking quietly, the sound held within the building was similar to a hundred roaring waterfalls. Amidst all the sound, an older man who wore extremely​ conservative clothes walked up onto the Central platform. Kaleb gave Alfred a questioning glance as the Lord explained. With a grim stare at the stage he said, "He is an elder from the Consul of the King. They are a group of advisers and ambassadors the King uses to control events such as these that affect the ruling of lands and deals under his reign. A single word from him and this entire city could be conscripted to the army. He is not someone anyone can afford to offend. Therefore they are used as mediators and neutral party's." Kaleb looked at the old man with an impeccable beard swinging from his face in a new light. There was only power that could truely rule over people. Even if this old man were unable to attune to a high degree, he had the King as a backer, so no one would think of harming or threatening him. It was indeed 'the fox wearing the tiger's fur'.

The old man flourished his sleeves and raised his hands. With this singular movement, the entire crowd went silent as a grave. His voice was rather weak, but seemed to reach every corner of the venue. He spoke, "People of Eriton! We come across a momentous occasion today; the affirmation of strength in your leaders! Today will determine the power found in the future generations of these families. This occurs once in a decade and is held strictly, according to his majesty's decree, to determine who is the best to rule over the Wild City! Everyone is aware of the rules so I will not hold the festivities any longer. Contestants from the families may step forward and draw a token. It will determine your initial battle pairings. Afterward, they will be your identity for the duration of the competition." Moments after the Councilman finished his speech, young men and women trickled onto the Central platform. Kaleb quickly put on a cloak with the Iyar family crest on it, left the booth, and joined the group on stage. With everyone giving him strange glances, he completed the number of required participants. Seeing the thirty two, the old man opened his hand and a metal box the size of a man's head appeared. This shocked all but one person on the stage. Kaleb was of course not surprised by the mere usage of a spatial artifact. In fact, this reaction opened his eyes in a different light. The use of his artifacts should be rather limited or completely​ hidden from the public. He would only be dragging himself into more trouble if he revealed an item that was held in such reverence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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