The Perfect Friend

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🎵Hello stranger can you hear my voice? I won't kill you, can you hear my voice? I'll be your friend to the end, can you hear voo-oo-oice🎵

Have you ever wanted the perfect friend? Of course you do, who don't? I warn you though, this is not a magic trick its curse. First of all you must be lonely if not he will not be intrested. You must embrace your lonelyness let it out and soon he'll come. You know he's with you when you hear his song. Now if you just wanted to see if it works then just ignore him he will leave but if you want to continue then respond to him. Let him know you can hear his voice. Once you respond he shall come out of the darkness. DO NOT approach him wait for him to come to you. Close your eyes once you see him keep your head down, DO NOT flinch or show your fear he will find this amusing and kill you. Keep your eyes closed tell you feel him touch you like pet your head or touch your shoulders and you hear him say "I'm here now my friend....I'm here". Now it's ok to open your eyes. He's the perfect friend he likes everything you like movies books games everything! Why is this? Because when you responded to his song you allowed him into your mind he knows EVERYTHING about you. The first few weeks will be fine he's like any normal friend. But soon he will seem different first he will start following you everywhere......stalking you.....then he will become more possessive and over protective he won't let you go anywhere with out him, claiming your HIS friend no one can be with you but him. Soon it will come to the point where he won't even let you leave your house he'll just make you stay in your room with him DO NOT try to excape you will piss him off and he will kill you. Soon after it gets to this point he will claim that he's always wanted a pet. You soon will awaken from a strange sleep and you'll notice your not yourself but a septiceye. You have 2 choices now, except it and be his little "sam" for the rest of your life or die. If you except your fate then hop on his sholder and purr let him know you want to be with him forever. If you wish to not except your fate then remain in your spot. DO NOT GO NEAR HIM. Ignore him even if he calls you he might even bribe you he will call you 3 times you have 3 chances. If you still ignore him after the 3rd time he will become impatient. He will come to you "I gave a chance to be happy, but now I think I'll show you what makes me happy, good bye my friend....."

(Note: I did not write the song I found it here:  )

Antisepticeye Stuffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें