can you hear my voice? - anti x reader

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(Quick note: all my stories are based off my story about him read that first or some references may not make sense here)

Antisepticeye pov:
Lonelyness, oh how I love it so it's like a drug I can never get enough of it! Ah, yet another lonely soul to feed apon, time to feed. (Ok just so you know he has siren like powers in other words a hypnotic singing voice)

I got close enough to see my new victim but remained out of site I was hidden well in the shadows. He/she had beautiful sparkling (e/c) eyes that seem to glow in the moonlight. (XD sorry boys) I could see a lot of lonelyness in those eyes. There (h/c) (h/l) flowed in the gentle breeze (XD sorry if your hair can't flow reader) a smirk tugged apon my lips I was going to feed well tonight. I began to sing my song "Hello stranger can you hear my voice?" They seemed startled it was wonderful "I won't kill you can you hear my voice?" They seemed calm now good...they looked for the source of my voice.....yes come to me.....feed me......"I'll be your friend to the end, can you hear my vooo-ooo-ooo-oice" before I knew it they where in my arms. It's finally time to feed. I held them tight and hummed my song. They seemed so calm like a child in a mother's arms. I rocked them back and forth slowly I felt like a mother lulling her child to sleep. I continued to feed on the lonelyness they gave off it was delicious. Soon they had nothing left to give. Now usually I kill my victims after feeding but I think I'll let this one go for now. I had not noticed they had fallen asleep in my arms how cute. I placed them gently on the ground then kissed there forehead "goodnight, some day I shall return to you never forget my voice" I whispered in there ear then soon after looking at there face for a few more seconds I left them to sleep in peace. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

Note: Well kitties I'm so proud of this! I feels so poetic for some reason although some parts felt acward to write XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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