v. august 1970

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Dear Soda,
It is currently August 2 1970. Are you okay? I miss you very much, it's weird to sleep alone. I guess you never know what you are missin till its gone. I hope you are sent home soon, they are talking about bringing you guys home, I believe it's all talk but it's good to have hope. I was looking through old photos the other day, don't really know why, maybe looking for a pic to send you, but none seemed perfect enough. Evie and I have gotten closer now. Speaking of Evie, how's Stevie? Evie says she hasn't heard from him in a while. I walked in on Ponyboy and Sonya the other day, they'll never live that down as long as they are together. Heres some pictures you asked for, along with some ultrasound pictures!

Much Love,

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