You're back!

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I saw Itachi holding my arms behind my back and Deidera shot out of the huge echoing cave with Gaara.

"Why did you do that?" I yelled at him.

"I had to" he whispered.

He knocked me out afterwards. I'm getting knocked out a lot lately.

Soon after a while, I awoke at the Akatuski. But it wasn't my room. I looked around to see Itachi in a chair sleeping. I got out of his bed and flicked him on the forehead.

"Huh? Why'd you do that?" He asked in a heavy sleepy tone.

I shrugged.

"Hey, it should be over by now. Take me back to them please" I smiled.

(I made her sound like some crazy, addictive bitch in these last few chappys. Lol:) )

When we got tonite edge of the forest where Gaara was. He was sat up and staring at people ad if they came from another planet. I ran towards him only to ve backed off.

"Leave her alone" Temari scolded.

They didn't lower their weapons but they shuffled to the sides.

"Gaara!" I whispered.

I looked at the dead person lying peacefully next to him.

"Thank you granny Chiyo" I bowed.

I bent down and hugged Gaara tightly.

"I missed you" I mumbled to him.

I pulled back and lips were suddenly on mine. I didn't waste time to kiss back.

"I missed you too" He smirked. "Come back with me."

I looked at him, tied between my mission and staying with him.

"Naruto, tell the Hokage I quit my mission but I will never tell a soul. Also tell her I'm moving to Suna."

Naruto looked confused but agreed. Gaara gave me a little grin and hugged me tightly.

"I love you so much" I whispered by his ear.


Naruto and the rest of the gang said their goodbyes when he was leaving. Gaara an him shook hand before they parted ways. As always, Naruto had his goofy grin. Gaara had a soft smile. I hugged him from behind before leaping on to Naruto.

"I'm gonna miss you knucklehead" I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Promise to visit us."

"I promise! Believe it!"

Then he ran off with his team. I wrapped my arms around Gaara's neck. I pushed my lips on his and he wasted no time to kiss back. I ran my hands through his auburn coloured hair.

We had disappeared to his room. I knew what we were about to do.
My gran in the other dimension always told me that the first time always hurt.

Change of worlds (Gaara love)Where stories live. Discover now