Sinner pt1

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Sinner's POV (ooooo! I've never don't it from his POV have I?)

I was pushed in the back by Nee-chan, but when I looked at her, Gaara and her turned into sand and transported away. I sighed and looked at the girl again. She stared at me completely confused. I smiled a bit, not exactly use to smiling. She walked towards me.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hi" I responded nervous obviously.

She tilted her head in a questioning way.

"What's your name?"

My eyes widened. If I tell her she might freak out.


My eyes tightly shut not wanting to see her expression. But I felt somewhat compelled to look. She still had her head tilted.

"Your name is Sinner, what's wrong with that?" She asked.

I looked down feeling ashamed.

"The fact that my clan calls myself and my twin sister a sin. That's what is wrong with my name."

She stared at me with a pitying look. I got annoyed. I hate it. I hate when people pity me. It's almost like...they're looking at me as if I'm not worthy.

"Don't do that. I hate it."

"Huh?" She said cluelessly.

"I hate when people pity me. Don't do it."

I avoided eye contact with her and sighed. Once again, I looked at her and smiled a bit.

"You were going somewhere. Do you want me to walk you?" I questioned lightly.

She smiled, "sure. I'm going to the training grounds to meet up with my team."

I tilted my head this time.

"You teams?"

"Didn't you know, your a ninja right?"

I nodded, "but I was rogue for a while. In the Akatuski."

She moved back slightly taking out a kunai to attack. I sighed a bit as she launched to stab me. I let her stab me though.

"In not in it anymore."

She frowned. "Why didn't you move?"

"Take it out and I'll show you."

She did as I told her and saw it was healed. Just like how Satana heals. She stared in shock.


I shrugged my shoulders then looked down. That's part of the reason I was named Sinner.

She suddenly smiled. "I'll take up on that offer."

I smiled again and walked with her.

Time skip~ (Ahh, feels good to do that again)

We arrived and once again, I was attacked by the sensei. Dodged with ease. I put my foot out and tripped her up. I looked down at her.

"Why'd ya attack me?" I asked scratching the back of my head.

"Your a rogue ninja. You don't have a headband!"

"I could easily be training at an academy or a civilian."

"Why are you wearing ninja gear then and I doubt your in the academy."

"I'm Sinner. Satana's twin brother. She's going out with Gaara."

"You will call him Kazekage."

"I will call him what I want. I'm not you."

I stared at the sky finding more interest in it. She suddenly slit my throat.

"Sinner!" The girl screamed.

I stayed standing and yawning.

"Your swing is lazy. You can't hurt me by the way. If you did, nee-chan would hurt you."

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