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Dear Death,

Hello! My name is Carli. I hope you are well, or terrible, whichever your culture entitles. I am writing to you because there was a story by mistletoestyles in my feed encouraging people to write to Death, Love, and Time. I decided to write to you first because I wish for you to be the first to welcome me into your arms.

As you most likely know, I have attempted suicide countless times, it has become hard for me to keep track of the times when I have wished myself off of this evil Earth. You must be disappointed, for the depression has not swallowed me yet.

I have thought about what you look like, chocolate brown eyes, high cheek bones, strong jaw, rugged black hair, strong arms, wide shoulders, big hands. The stereotypical dark figure everyone assumes a biker to be. I ask close friends what they thought you looked like, an they loosely describe you as a shadow. Which is strange because shadows have frightened me since I was very young, yet I wish to see you most everyday.

My friends don't know why I want to kill myself, nobody does. And they can't assume because everyone's story is different. The reason is quite selfish and silly, even to me, but I can't bring myself to get over the fact that while everybody has someone who truly, deeply cares about them, I do not. It is stupid, I know, my mother has taught me to be independent and self sustaining, but I want my someone. After watching everyone find their someone, and me, just crying myself into oblivion, I have come to the realization that I will never find that someone.

I hope to see you soon.

Yours Forever,

Carli <3

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