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Dear Love,

         Hello! My name is Carli. I hope you are well. I am writing to you because there was a story by mistletoestyles  in my feed encouraging people to write to Death, Love, and Time. Before I go any further in this, I must get this out of my system, HEY SELF LOVE! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN MY ENTIRE LIFE?! IN FREAKING LA LA LAND? I apologize, but it is a pertinent question.

         I have watched people fall in love. You can't even fathom how much it hurts. I am a jealous, envious piece of shit, and I want what those people have. I want someone to put my needs before theirs, because I'm a selfish bitch. I want someone who will stay with me after I've let them down numerous times. I want someone who won't leave, because I'm their fix, I'm the one thing they can't live without. I want someone who would give up every other girl just for me.

        I want someone who would love me, the same way I love them.

        Short and sweet.

Always Waiting,

Carli <3

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