-Video Games!-

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❤  Vanoss X Reader ❤

 💕Word Count: 665💕


  ⚠WARNING(s): Video Game Kisses!

 ▪Your P.O.V:▪

[🎮] I waited for this all day. I invited Vanoss, well his real name is Evan, to play some video games with me for a video on my channel. I have a YouTube channel called (Y/YT/N) and I mainly do gaming. Evan and I met playing C.O.D Black Ops on an online match. I've been bored all day, so this will surely be exciting! My phone buzzes on my desk. I groan, get up and grab my phone. 

- New message from Evan💘!

Evan💘: Hey! How about instead of recording, we just play for fun and I can come over?!

(Nick/Name): Yeah, of course! When are you coming over?

Evan💘:  How does 4 sound? 

(N/N): Sounds great! I really can't wait!

 Evan💘: See you then!

(N/N): Mhm!

  💌- No new messages! 

I let out a sigh and hop on my couch. I should clean. Maybe take a shower. I glance at my phone. It's 2:00.  Ugh. Two hours until Evan gets here. I get up and start to clean my apartment. The last thing I need to do is take out the trash. 

I grab the bag, it's smell almost making me puke. I gag and pull the bag out. I rush outside and throw it into the trashcan. Ew, I definitely need a shower now. I walk to my bathroom, locking the door. I take off my pajamas and go into the shower. After showering, I put on some clean underwear and brush my hair. 

The doorbell rings, so I grab my towel and run to the door. I wrap my towel neatly around me and open the door. Evan is there with a smile, as always. His black hair looks really fluffy. His smile practically radiating happiness. He's wearing jeans and a blue/white flannel. I smile back and wave him in. 

"Ha, bad time?" 

"No! Well, heh, yeah maybe. I'll just go put on some close real quick. Why don't you pick out a game?"

"Okie dokie," He says and goes to pick out a game from my shelf. 

I run into my room and open my closet. I thumb through things to wear. I pull out a (F/C) tank top and some pajama shorts. I sprint back out to my living room, hopping onto the sofa. Evan puts a game in then sits next to me. He hands me my (S/F/C) controller, the one with awesome (F/C) buttons. Evan had put in COD Black Ops. 

I grin, "Oh wow, just like how we met. How cliché!"

"It's not very often to meet the girl of your dreams on Call Of Duty!" 

"Pssh, you don't mean that."

"Of course I do! You're awesome and you know it!" 

"Yeah I am, because I'm totally gonna get more kills than you!"

"Oh ha ha!" He jokes and starts a match.

Evan and I tried our best, but our team still lost. 10 times. With slow rounds and the rival team was non-stop camping us. I throw my controller as the 10th 'Defeat' stares at me from the t.v. Evan rubs my back, trying to calm my rage. Fortunately, he calms me down. I lean on him, taking in deep, calming breaths. 

He chuckles, "Man, you rage like Marcel!"

"Oh shut up," I cuddle more into him.

Silence fills the room. Evan puts an arm around me, squeezing me closer to him. I snuggle into his chest, playing with a button on his flannel. He plays with my (H/C) hair. I hum a bit, getting sleepy. He picks me up and walks towards my bedroom. 

"Is it cool if I stay here? It's pretty late after 10 rounds..."

"Mhm! You can stay, I don't mind at all."

Evan gets into bed next to me. I cuddle up to him. He turns and wraps both arms around me. I hug him tightly, sighing into his chest. Just before I fall asleep, I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. 

"I love you."

  🎮   END   🎮

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