Chapter Three

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~Third Person~

Sam walked into the house to see Micheal in the living room, frantically putting on a shirt.

"Guys, don't forget, I'm having company tonight." Sam hollered. He was inviting Dean, who was his brother, and a couple of other friends.

"Wait- Gabe's coming over tonight." Micheal said, confused.

"That's great, I wanted to meet him soon anyway." Sam said. "I met a guy today named Gabe." He said, thinking of the candy man. He had already told Lucifer about him, but he only referred to him as Candy Man.

"That's great-now can you make sure our bedroom door is locked. I will not wake up covered in iced tea tomorrow." Lucifer said. "Do we have enough beer?"

"Yeah I bought a 40-pack." Sam and Micheal said at the same time.

Luci laughed. "I guess we do."

"I'm going to go change." Sam said, realising he was still in his work outfit.

By the time Sam was done getting ready, there were about 20-something people in the house.

Dean was talking to some guy, who had his back facing Sam. Sam walked up and hugged Dean.

"Oh, and Gabe, this is Sammy." Dean said, "Sammy this is Gabe."

Sam turned to see a grinning man with a lolipop. "Heya Sam."

"Candy man- Gabriel?" Sam said, surprised.

"You know him?" Dean said, confused.

"Kind of." Sam said still looking at Gabriel.

"Alrighty, I'm out of here. I'm going to go meet this 'Castiel' Gabe told me so much about." Dean said, leaving Sam and Gabriel to talk.

He walked up to Lucifer and asked, "Who's Castiel?"

Lucifer walked away but soon came back with a black haired man, with blue eyes. They were the bluest eyes He had ever seen, and he instantly fell in love. He was wearing a tan trench coat, with a white button up.

"Hey I'm Dean." Dean said, awestruck by how beautiful the man was.

"Hello Dean, my name is Castiel." He said.

"Gabriel told me a lot about you, so I figured I'd meet you." Dean said, stumbling over his words a little bit.

"Aww. Young love." Lucifer said drawing a heart with his hands.

"Shut up Lucifer." They both said at the same time. Lucifer threw his hands up in defeat, and left to go see Micheal.

"Excuse him, he acts like that a lot." Castiel said, sliding his hands into the pockets of his coat.

"Yeah, we hung out a lot in high school. How do you know Gabriel?" Dean asked.

"Cousins." Castiel said.

"Wow, he should have told me his cousin was this hot." Dean said grinning.

Castiel grinned. Gabriel and Sam walked over to them. "Hey Dean! You finally met Cass."

"Yeah, he's pretty cool." Dean said.

Cass looked confused before he said, "But you just said I was hot."

"You think Cass is hot?" Gabe asked Dean.

"Cass is hot." he reasoned. "You got the hots for my brother, but that doesn't bother me." Dean shot back as Sam blushed.

"You like me?" Sam asked.

"I think we could be great friends." Gabe said, hitting Dean on the shoulder for mentioning it. He didn't know if Sam was gay or not, and didn't want it to feel forced.

Dean laughed, and called his friend, Charlie, over. She was a short red headed woman.

"Hey, I'm Charlie." She said. "You finally met Sam! I knew you guys would be great togather."

"They won't admit it." Dean said to Charlie. Castiel just stood there, looking confused.

"You must be Cass?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said, quietly.

"Let's play a game." Carlie said. "Spun the bottle?" She asked. Everyone said no. " Truth or dare?" Eh, why not?

"What are we? 6?" Sam said.

"Don't be that person." Gabe smirked, pulling his lollipop out of his mouth.

"Fine then."

They played truth or dare.

Gabe had walked up to Lucifer and Micheal, and make it look like one of them peed themselves. That led to this conversation.

"Baby, not to be rude, but did you pee?" Micheal asked. He had a confused look on his face.

"Oh, I thought you just got really excited." Luci chuckled, as they both got up to change.

Sam had to take all of Micheal and Luci's clothes so they couldn't change.

"Where the fuck are my clothes?" Luci yelled from his room.

Gabriel snickered.

Dean picked truth, and Charlie whispered a question. He said, "Hell yeah."

And Charlie had to hack into Luci's Facebook and type: I'm just horny for Micheal.

Cass chose truth and when Dean whispered a question to him he blushed and said, "Only with you." At that, Dean pinned him up against a wall, and started kissing him.

"Dude. That's my cousin." Gabe whined. Charlie laughed.

"Let's go outside and leave them alone." Charlie said.

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea." Sam said, sarcastically. It was the middle of winter at one in the morning.

"C'mon, it'll be great." Charlie said.

"You only want to go because Dorothy is there." Gabe teased.

"I won't deny it." She mumbled whilst fixing her hair.

This was going to be a long night.

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