Lonely Hearts { Jelena }

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I didnt believe in love and if you asked anyone they would say it was true. I basically hated love and when it happened often that I did fall in love I was heartbroken in the end. I had and been threw alot and had been torn but when you dont have anything to fall for you not gonna fall. I hated those romantic movies that showed the two perfect couple getting married in the end when it was a struggle and sacrifice to reach that point in love. 

Now, now dont get me wrong back in the days I was that girl crushing on every guy who walked by her but the thing is I grew up I fell in love and I got heartbroken from the same guy who said " I love you forever and will never let you go ". I realized alot and learned alot.

You could rather call me a lonely soul. It was harder to find lover these days when you were in highschool boys judged you like books if the cover didnt look good it aint worth it. Players roamed the halls and jocks screwed girls life's. My friends think im insane but I think im smart and right.

I do have a problem tho im not pretty. Never was and never wll be now you cant argue with me because you dont even know how I look but Ill tell you one thing if you get rejected by the ugliest guy in school youre nothing but a ugly loner. I do have friends yet there stunning.

Now lets stop about this love bullcrap and let me tell you a few things about me personaly:

My name is Selena Marie Gomez. I am 17 and I am obessesed with FOOD. I love Britney Spears and Katy Perry. I hate romantic movies and anything with love.  I plan on inventing pickled flavoured gum and I love books. I have no siblings just me and my parents. I live in Texas and live in a small house on RoseBroad St. 

Thats pretty much all thats really intresting about me. Im not so intersting Im I? 

I got out of bed and closed the light. I really needed some sleep. I layed in bed and closed my eyes. Thinking about how the world would be better off without me.


Authors Note:

Here is a new story and I hope you enjoy it

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Sorry about the short preview tho

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