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I didnt want to go  to school

I didnt wanna go   anywhere

I didnt wanna see the sun shinging  so bright

I didnt wanna see couples kissing on thr street

I didnt wanna see Justin

but I didnt wanna fail school

I rolled out of bed and wiped the salty tears out of my eyes. Humans were suppose to cry it washed your eyes , washed the pain and the sorrow inside. I did my normal routine but with no effort. I thought about the worst conditions of going to school. I grabbed my back pack and headed off to school it was really sad that no one decided to call me and see if I was okay. Wait, what am I saying no one cared about me.

I got on the bus and there then did it hit me that all these people standing in front of me had a story. You never knew if your typical bad boy flirting with girls cried at night and your pretty girl regreted her face and...... your justin hated everything.

I coudnt get emotional not know not know.






were the only words I needed to remember

The bus finally reached my school and there then did my screwed adventure contuine on. I walked to the front of the school and just stood there staring at the sign " Weston High School ". It was 1:30 pm but I still had classes to get along to. I walked inside the school and headed start for my locker. I grabbed my English book and ran to English in a rush.

I opened the door to Math and there then did the whole room freeze and stop. I closed the door and stood there waiting for my teacher to say something. 

" Hello Selena well welcome and since we just started this period would you like to be the frist to perform your english presentation? " she said

I looked around the class and there in the back sat Justin with a smile on his face. He wasnt happy I knew it. 

I stood there frozen I had forgotten about the project. 

" Well start may you " said the teacher

I walked to the front of the class so that the everyone could see me.

" My project is on Justin. Justin was someone that fasinated me everyday and made me smile, cry and laugh. He was the one person who would hold me tight and the only one who would kiss me on my cheeks while smiling. He was the boy girls would fall over for but he wasnt your typical bad boy he was my typical heartbreaker. He came along and broke my heart and when I tried helping him he forgot who he was. How brave he was how beautiful he was and its so sad to see someone wither like that. I woudnt call him Justin anymore because that isnt the boy I bumped into that day. He isnt the boy who said " he loved me " and now I dont know where he is and who he is. Now, you probably think im insane and screwed up right now but if you were in my position th eonly thing you'd be professional at is crying. " I said by now my heart was screaming and my eyes were watery and the whole class was frozen and Justin was pale

I walked to my seat and sat down. 

" You may contuine to the next person " I said to the teacher

The teacher looked at me and she pointed at Justin.


Authors Note: 

I wannt leave his part for the next chapter

Hope you enjoyed


Lonely Hearts { Jelena }Where stories live. Discover now