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It was fifth period and I coudnt explain how happy I was. I didnt want to be in school and I always will hate school. I grabbed my English binder and made my way to English. I decided to take the longer way for the sake of freedom. I walked down the quite halls and there then did the most gross thing catch me eye.

A boy kissing a girl and this wasnt any typical boy this was the boy that bumped into me. Now wait when I said kissing I meant eating each others face. I hated this stuff it was gross. Now, dont get made at my insane thoughts. I use to do this shit to but that stopped after every boy left me on the ground crying.

I reached English and took my seat apprantly half the class wasnt here but I didnt mind that meant we'd wait and when we wait the teachers dont teach. I looked oer at Demi and she didnt seem so happy anymore. Her smile was a plain frown and her eyes were puffy. I had one explanation for this " Ross ".

Ross was Demi's boyfriend for 1 week. Yes, One week she took him everywhere, got him everything like she was his wife. The only thing he got her was a pack of gum now let me put this is on word. " Jock " he was a jock and that what jocks do. 

I looked away from my thoughts to find a class full of students listening to there teacher.

" Okay now to start off this class I would like to assing a project it is fun but you will need a party I will be chossing So here are yur patners " said Mrs.Quill

The whole class sighed in misery

" Alex and Demi

  Bryan and Ross

  Justin and Selena

Taylor and Taylor.L

  Santana and Drew

 Felicia and Priscilla " said the teacher

I didnt even know who Justin was but whatever.

" Now this project is about writing a full biography on your partner you can not meet up and can not talk about yourself to each other study your partner learn from friends " said the teacher

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder I turned around to find Two-Faced Jock.

" Yes "I said

" I just wanted to ask if Demi's okay Ross wanted me to ask " he said

I rolled my eyes and turned to Demi.

" That guy is  asking if your okay ross told him to ask " I said pointing to Two-Faced Jock

" Justin? " she said

Justin wait what no. Thats not Justin no no no .

" Wait he's Justin? " I said surprised

" Yes and tell him screw you " she said

I felt like a freaking bird messenger

" She said screw you " I said sharply before turning my back to him

I didnt know what he could exam about me from what just happened but he woudnt get the deatiles he needed without asking.

                                                                      6 Hours Later

I was in bed. 

It was weird. I never thought about someone this much expecally Justin. I was kinda hapy I was his partner. Wait, stop what am I doing Im not falling for a player.

It was like I coudnt control my heart is was beating really fast. It was beating for a player.


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XD I kinda like this story


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