Chapter 4- Asher

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Moving. He was in a car? Asher struggled to gain his bearings, forcing his eyes open. He felt so weak, so tired.

"Before you ask where we're going, I'll just tell you. Somehow word's gotten out I have an oblivion with me. I decided to sell you," Dr. Zuk informed bluntly.

If Asher wasn't already dizzy and numb from drugs, he would've choked. Sold him?!

To who? He hoped it would be someone nice, but his luck wouldn't be that good, would it?

"Ah we're here!" Dr. Zuk sang gleefully. He dragged the twin out, walking over to the front door. They were at what looked like a quite wealthy household. The man holding onto Asher rang the doorbell. A scowling boy answered.


"I'm here to deliver the Oblivion?"

The boy's eyes widened. "Mom said you were coming today! What's your power like? I demand you show me. Dad says soon ima be the head of the household and I should get used to bossing others around."

Asher instantly hated the kid.

"Dr. Zuk?" a fancy-dressed woman with way too much makeup hurried over, her high-heels clicking. "You brought me the oblivion! I assume he's a good servant?"

Dr. Zuk shrugged. "I never guaranteed that, but I'm sure you can discipline him however you wish."

"Very well," she snipped with a sharp, disdainful look, "he better protect this house well. Come with me, boy."


The next weeks were hell. Asher was taught how to do all the housework, what he should do while the adults were gone, and how to treat the woman's children. It turned out she was a rich lady who's husband had died. She had three kids, all who were snotty brats. They were taught there were above everyone else, and made sure Asher knew it. He was merely a lowly servant to them. Asher was still in shock from everything that had happened, and wasn't sure what to do. He was quickly starting to realize how unimportant he was now, even though he was an oblivion. In this house, no one cared.

"Hey Orion! Get me something to drink, I'm thirsty," whined the oldest at 20, John. The household didn't know his name and didn't care to find out, so they named him Orion, ironically. The name meant rising in the sky, yet he was an oblivion. Asher didn't care. That wasn't his name. Orion was someone else, someone he pretended to be. The only names that had true meaning were "Asher and Eren".

"Certainly," mumbled the 15-yr-old twin in response to John's demand, walking to the kitchen.

"If you don't hurry up I'll tell mother you weren't listening," Alyssa added slyly. Ash clenched his teeth. If he was going to be straight about it, Alyssa was a bitch.

She obviously didn't want him here, and she appeared to be doing all in her power to get him out. She got him in trouble all the time, and Ash had began to know what it was like to be treated like shit.

The punishments weren't just simply lecturing, but small beatings as well. Their mother would hit him with a metal spatula until his skin stung and was colored a bright, fiery red. There were bruises all over his body, which he hid by clothes. By now, Asher knew his old life was fading away to nothing. Now, all he had were the memories.

As he brought the stuck-up children their drinks, he turned away quickly. He missed his old home, and he just needed some time to himself. Asher began to walk away, but halted at the sound of John's voice.

"Where are you going? You're supposed to show us your magic again!" demanded John. This.

John had a strange fascination with Ash's power, always ordering him to use it for no reason except their entertainment.

"Yes, yes," Alyssa scoffed, "show us that weird power that you, a weak orphan, has."

Eren always made him think his power was amazing. He told him he envied it, and that it was special and powerful. But now, it just felt like a curse. Eren had gotten taken because of it. These kids were viciously jealous of it. And yet he was helpless to do anything. Unless he wanted to get kicked out, that is.

Slowly, the poor boy reached deep in his power, gasping as sharp stabs of pain shot through him. If evil had a physical form, this would be it, Asher concluded, crying out. The pain seemed to seep under his skin like a papercut, but instead of merely cutting through his skin fragments of the pain went deeper. Like flames licking up wood the pain devoured him, and Ash felt his power slip away from him. His gaze fell on the children he'd been slaving away for for weeks. Not even a hint of concern was written on their expressions and he felt his legs give out. Curiosity was on John's and Emiron's. Amusement was on Alyssa's. Asher crashed onto the floor.


"-useless. I say we send him to the streets. He is of no use to us if he barely does his job and has pathetically weak powers." the mother's voice.

"After we spent all that money on him too," sighed a man's voice. "Well, it's your decision."

"Then he's being kicked out. However, he's deserving of a punishment after what he did. See to it, will you?"


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