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There he was. Just standing the for the great view of the ocean and the setting sun. One could easily say it is the most beautiful thing they have ever witnessed. But for this man, not so much. You see this very man saw importance and beauty in everything before him. Every person, every rock even, has their story. This man. this man with the blue box as seen worlds unlike any other and people whose hearts are bigger than his two. But yet he couldn't keep any with him. Not even his own kind. His heart shattered years before this moment and each piece somewhere different. If only he could find them and rid himself in his internal loneliness. Then maybe, just maybe, he can save the people he cares about most. Actually save them and not have their memories erased or lost in another dimension beyond his reach. Maybe then he could find his peace.

The Lonely Man With A Blue BoxWhere stories live. Discover now