Basic Info (*)

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Welcome to my raffle book!

Okay . . . what is this for?

This is for goals that I have reached!

Reading/commenting/voting for my books is a huge accomplishment, and I'd like to reward those that help me achieve these goals.

What do I have planned?

These goals will be based on a certain story for a period of time. I will put other sections up that go along with this one, so please read the other ones with a (*) on it!

Anyways, here are my common goals for my book, The Journey Taken Together:

- Reads: (currently set at 5,000)

- Votes: (currently set at 2,000)

- Comments: (currently set at 2,000)

*And no, I don't just write for these. I just like giving back to people that enjoy my work, and who've helped me with it.*

'Tis why I am holding raffles . . .

Here are the prizes for each category!

- Reads: A shout out on my message board promoting either your books or something else.

- Votes: A promotion in the raffle book of one of your stories

- Comments : A free critique on one chapter of your choosing (presented either through pm or comments)

(Why are comments the most important thing? Because I like getting help on my story. People take a lot of time to read and comment on my work, and I find that important)

Still interested? Head onto the next page to get more info on how to enter!


**If your name gets picked more than once, which I will show you through screenshot, you will get five votes of your choice for every time it is picked extra!**

Raffles Galore Where stories live. Discover now