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Kane: “What is it, Commander Shumway?”

The Commander hesitates.

Kane: “Spit it out.”

Commander Shumway: “We could start now. As Chancellor Pro Tempore, you can give the order to begin reducing the population.”

It hangs there. Kane is clearly tempted. Then...

Kane: “Not yet. The Chancellor’s Hail Mary mission to Earth is failing. Once it’s clear the ground still isn’t an option, the council will get in line. (looking back down to Bellamy’s picture) In the meantime, I’d like to know who helped this janitor get on that dropship. Because he sure as hell didn’t do it by himself.”

The Commander says nothing, but clearly agrees.

Kane: “It seems we have a traitor in our midst, Commander... (looking to the mug shots) And the Hundred have an assassin in theirs.”

~~~☆The Woods☆~~~
~~~☆Willow Trikova P.O.V.☆~~~

Several hours into the trek. The group has fanned out amidst the trees. Sunlight dapples and wildflowers are everywhere. Clarke has assumed the lead and is setting a fast pace, appreciating none of it. Behind her, Octavia, Finn, and his two recruits all wish that she would slow down to let them enjoy the scenery. Jasper and Monty, on the surface, the furthest thing from delinquents. They are clearly very intelligent and, it must be said, incredibly uncool. The fact that they’re studying Finn to remedy this will become clear. As we arrive, Finn stops to pick a flower and slip it into Octavia’s hair. She’d jump him here and now if he’d let her. Jasper and Monty see this and exchange a glance.

“Poison sumac…haha. I wonder if anyone else will notice. I should look around for plants I can use.”

Jasper: “That, my friend, is game.”

I look around, wait for them to get slightly ahead of me, then jump down and scan all the different plants. While doing so I noticed some dandelions and feverfew at the base of a few trees. I picked some of each of them, ate a few dandelions and placed the rest of them in a pouch I found in one of the backpacks my brother gave me.

“I miss you brother so very much. I hope you make it down here, you would absolutely love it.”

Monty: “That, my friend, is poison sumac.”

Octavia: (swatting away the flower) “Jesus, Finn! Thank you.”

Monty: “Don’t worry. The flowers aren’t poisonous. They’re medicinal. Calming actually.

“I should mark this place on my map so I can come here later after I find my place even though Clarke has left a noticeable trail by marking the tree.”

He pops one in his mouth. Finn and Octavia are curious.

Jasper: “His family grows all the pharmaceuticals.”

“That makes sense that he would know that if his parents were the growers.”

Clarke: (abruptly turning around) “Hey! Try to keep up.”

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