2 Trouble

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     As Devin locked his door Slurr asked, "Why you Still driving this Corvette?"
     "Maybe I don't want another car." Devin responded.
     "You need to upgrade, I just did a move and bought a Bentley. " Slurr said dabbing.
     "Would you like a Grammy?" Devin asked hopping in his car.
     "Hell Yeah!" Slurr said closing the passenger door.
     "Too bad!" Devin said pulling off.
     24 minutes later, Devin and Slurr pulled up to Stephanie's house. "I thought she lived in a house?" Slurr asked hopping out the car.
     "This is her house." Devin said locking his car doors.
     "Nigga this is like a mall garage not no normal house garage." Slurr said.
     "It's a condo dumb ass!" Devin answered pushing the up elevator button.
     "I ain't use to this fancy shit. What she get this muthafucka for? Eas it for her bar mitzvah?" Slurr asked, "I knew she was different! That's crazy how-"
     "SHUT THE FUCK UP! DAMN YOU JUST ANSWERED YO OWN DAMN QUESTION!" Devin said stepping into the elevator.
     "You Mad BRO?" Slurr Asked.
     "Push 12 Slurr." Devin told him.
     Slurr pushed 12 and they headed up to Stephanie's crib. "Who Stephanie talking to?" Slurr asked.
    "She don't want you cousin." Devin said as the elevator opened at the 12th floor.
    "You know that I know thr she miss me." Slurr said catching up to Devin as they walked to Stephanie's front door.
     "You had yo chance dude." Devin told him as they reached the door.
     "Aye! This the crib yo?" Slurr asked Devin.
     "Shhhh." he told Slurr knocking.
     "Hi Devin!" Tia said opening the door.
     "Wassup." he responded hugging her.
     "Wassup T-Dawg!?" Slurr said to Tia.
     "Come in Simon." Tia told him.
     "Y'all nuts cous!" Simon said pushing Devin out the way coming in.
     "You out yo mind Slurr." Devin said walking in.
     "Be quiet! Stephanie in the back with my brother." Tia said closing the door.
     Devin started laughing as he looked at Slurr. "That's some bullshit mane! What they doing?" Slurr yelled looking down the hall.
     "Don't worry about them! Did you tell Perry we this way?" Devin said checking his phone.
     "Uhhhh... No why?" Slurr responded.
     "Cause he keep texting asking where we at." Devin told him.
     "Devin can I see your phone?" Tia asked pulling Devin towards the couch.
     "Why?" Devin asked.
     "PLEASE!?" Tia begged.
     "Here dude." Devin said unlocking it.
     "Oohh! I see you my son! Let yo everything see yo phone abd you bought her a-" Slurr said getting hyped before getting cut off by Devin.
     "SHUT YO FUCKIN MOUTH!" Devin said starring at Slurr.
     "Chill! Chill! But, where the bathroom at I gotta bust a-" Devin was saying.
     "TIA! I KNOW YOU AIN'T HANGING WITH THESE NIGGAS!" Tia brother said as he stiop over us on the couch.
     "Byron please don't start!" Tia told him fixing her hair.
     "Wassup with that shit talking nigga!?" Devin said walking towards Byron.
     "Little nigga who you think you must be!?" Byron said lifting his shirt up.
      "Who you think you scaring with that little Nina?" Slurr said hopping up.
      "Sit yo soft ass down!" Stephanie said pushing Slurr.
      "Hoe you must be out of yo rabbit ass mind!" Slurr said.
      Before I could react, I heard my phone ring. I grabbed it from Tia and it was a private call, "Hello?"
      "When I see you it's yo ass on the M.O.B. it is!" the dude on the other line said.
      "Nigga I ain't hiding! Cone get me," Devin said before hanging up, "Slurr lets hit the jets and bounce."
     "No! Y'all just got here!" Tia said grabbing Devin.
     "I gotta go out in a hit real quick, I'll see you later!" Devin said pulling away.
     As Devin and Slurr left out the door, Byron rushed after them. "BYRON NO!" Tia said as he ran out the door.
     As Byron chased after Slurr and Devin, Stephanie stopped Tia from leaving the condo apartment, "Tia no!"
     "What do you mean Stephanie?" Tia asked.
     "You gotta let them handle they own beef. Okay?" Stephanie said locking the door.
     Before Tia could respond Byron busted through the door. "WHAT THE FUCK BYRON!" Stephanie screamed at him.
     "You shut the fuck up bro! Tia when I see them niggas again, they heads is mine believe that!" Byron said heading in the kitchen.
     "No your not Byron." Tia said crossing her arms.
     "Who the fuck you talking to?" Byron asked looking at her.
     "YO ASS!" Tia said.
     "Watch yo mouth!" Byron said walking towards her.
     "Who gone make?" she asked.
     "Quit fucking trying me Tia! I'm all you got dummy!" Byron said grabbing her hair.
     "Get the he'll off me!" Tia saud trying to pull away.
     "Let her go!" Stephanie said jumping on his back.
     "Back the fuck back!"Byron said throwing Stephanie on the floor.
     "You must be out yo body Byron?" Tia asked kicking him in the stomach.
     "BITCH!" he reacted slapping Tia.
      As all this is happening Perry is on his way to the condo. "I wanna know if these fags still here?" he asked hisself walking up to the door. When he walked up to the door Byron pushed him out the way, "A homie watch out!"
     "Yeah okay." Byron said before running off.
     When Perry opened the door he saw Tia on the ground covering her face. "What the shit biscuits?" he asked looking at her, "Tia, look at me!"
     "CALL DEVIN PLEASE!" Stephanie screamed at Perry rolling Tia on her backing, "Tia baby? Are you okay?"
      "Mhmmmm." Tia groaned.
      "CALL DEVIN HURRY UP!" Stephanie cryed.
    "It's ringing!" Perry responded, "DEVIN!? Bro you gotta head over the crib y'all was just over!"
   "Tell him Byron just put his hands on Stephanie and me." Tia said standing up.
   "Yeah, some dude named Byron just hit yo girl and her friend." Perry told Devin, "Hold uo I'm about to put you on speaker bro-ham."
    "TIA!?" Devin yelled.   
    "BYRON JUST WENT OFF ON US BABY! HE OFF OVER THERE ON BOULEVARD!" Tia screamed as tears poured down her face.
     "WE ON THAT! Aye Perry head over my crib! Grab some suspects on yo way!" Devin snapped.
   "Devin please don't do anything stupid! PLEASE!" Tia begged.
   "He gotta learn Tia!" Devin said before hanging up.
   "No Devin PLEASE!" Tia pleaded.
    "Y'all need anythin-" Perry was saying.
     "GET OUT!" Stephanie screamed.
     "Bye then asshole!" Perry said before running out.
     "I'm about to call the police you stay right here Tia!" Stephanie said before running to her room.
      Tia made sure she went her room completely and grabbed Stephanie's car keys and left.

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