The Start

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"Luna! Wake up!" Someone yelled.

"Shut up!" I yelled back, intent on going back to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my ankles and pull me out from the tent.

"Wake up!" Moon yelled in my ear.

"FRICK! That hurt!" I said, holding my ringing ear.

I gave Moon my "Death Glare" and tried to crawl back into my tent.  However, Moon dragged me out again, this time farther.

"Moon..." I groaned, "I hate you soooo much right now."

"I love you too sis!" Moon said with that annoying happy-go-lucky smile.

I stood up and growled.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" I asked.

"Well...I wanted you to meet my friends," she answered with another smile.

I started to laugh half-heartedly. She looked at me confused.

"What's so funny?" she asked, confused.

She as this tendency to give anybody the "puppy-dog" when she asks for stuff. Sure enough, her eyes were getting big as my laughter died down.

"Moon, in case you've forgotten, let me remind you that I HATE PEOPLE!" I yelled at her.

Her puppy-dog eyes changed to a pouty face and she put her hands on her hips. It was a classic "mom" pose.

"Well, then you have to change that, because I think one of them could be your future husband," she said excitedly.

I lost it there. I was rolling on the ground, laughing my head off.

"ME?!" I managed to say before succumbing to another laughing fit.

I laughed for a good five minutes. My lungs hurt so much, but it was so funny.

"Me? Have a husband? Yeah right Moon. Then we'll have a daughter and name her Lucy. She'll be magical and will have the ability to fly," I finally said, wiping the tears from my eyes, "Oh, you kill me sis."

She still had her pouty face.

"Aw, come on Luna. At least come meet them. They're really nice," she insisted.

I groaned and gave a big heaving sigh.

"Fiiiiiine, but don't think that I won't hate them. That's up to my judgement," I assured.

She looked at me with her "It's a deal" face.

"Fine, fine. You don't have to love them, but just try to be nice? For me? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase?" She asked with a giant smile.

I swear she's part snake. She unhinges her jaw to accommodate such a large smile. The she started her puppy-dog eyes again. To be honest, it was a little unsettling to have her snake smile and puppy-dog eye combination.

"Moon...don't. Don't even think about it," I warned.

She continued the combination.

"Not the eyes. NO!" I yelled.

She started backing off, taking notice of her victory.

"I hate you so so so much right now," was my last comment.

Her response: the snake smile.

Several hours later...

We've been walking for hours. My feet hurt and I'm tired. Moon, on the other hand, looks as fresh as a morning daisy. Maybe our parents should have named her Daisy instead. I trudged along behind her with my pack. I raised my head up just enough to see what was in front of me. It was nothing but forest for miles around, but I saw a tiny speck of yellow among the dark greens and browns. I knew a camp was nearby by the smell of someone cooking. We walked into the camp and I plopped my stuff right next to the fire. Moon walked to all the tents and talked to the residents. I prepared myself for annoying people. Four people emerged from the tents and all sat around the fire. They were all boys, around my age.

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