Internal Problems

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Maelstrom's POV

I needed to meditate. I left Luna walking in the direction of camp while I teleported to the top of the canopy. I meditated for about two hours before finally rejoining Hunter at camp. He was with Moon. Moon had this look on her face.

"Did I miss something?" I asked.

Hunter waved me off. These two seemed to have an intense stare down.

"Something wrong?" I asked again, trying to solicit an answer.

"I just saw Luna kill some kingdom guards," Hunter said.

I nodded.

"I saw her as well," I said.

Hunter turned on me.

"What? Why didn't you stop her?" He asked me.

He was starting to sound angry, but I didn't let that unsettle me.

"Did I have to? It's not like she was in trouble. In fact, I think they started it. You know how the kingdom is," I explained, "She handled herself well,"

Hunter sighed and turned back to Moon. She was still standing there, although her hair was covering most of her face.

"Luna said that you haven't told me something. What is it?" he asked.

I looked at Moon. She didn't move. Was she keeping secrets? Yes. Did I care? No. I keep my own secrets.

"Who cares?" I started, "If she doesn't want to tell you, then she doesn't have to."

Hunter looked at me. His face told me, "I hate it when you're right." I started to turn, but Moon grabbed my arm. We looked at each other. Though her face was covered, her eyes thanked me for supporting her. I patted her arm started to walk away. I walked up to Steven and gave him a carrot. He whinnied softly and I pet him on the head.

I looked up at the sun. It was starting to set, which meant that is was close to seven o'clock. I pet Steven one more time before leading him back to camp. I had just pasted my tent when I heard a loud SMACK. It rang out through the forest. I tethered Steven to a hitching post I hammered into the ground and walked towards the source of the sound. I saw Moon storming away from Hunter. Hunter was on the ground, holding his face. I shook my head and walked towards them. Moon stormed past me without a glance. Hunter sat up and looked at me. There was a nice, big, red hand mark on his left cheek. I helped him up.

"What happened?" I asked.

Hunter was quiet.

"I don't want to talk about it," he said.

Hunter made his way to his tent. I sighed and looked back at Moon. She had disappeared into the forest. These two have been thick as thieves for as long as I have been around. If we were going to be a team, especially with Luna around, we needed to have a working relationship with each other. I grabbed Aaron from his tent and explained what happened and what I figured out. Aaron didn't seem surprised that Moon didn't want to spill her secret. I told him to go talk to Hunter. Aaron nodded and started running after Hunter. I followed Moon. Hopefully, she wasn't tearing up the forest by the time I get there.

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