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Through The Dark


"Emiliana," the voice was faint and it was hard to tell if it was in my mind or if I was hearing things. I looked behind me just in case, but saw no one. I kept walking. It was dark and I knew I was lost.

"Emiliana." The voice was louder now; closer. Yet, it still didn't feel real. I couldn't understand who could be calling me by my full name. I didn't know anyone here. I'd just moved to London with my family. I hadn't started school or anything. No one knew me. So who was calling me?

"Emiliana," the voice sounded like it was right next to me now. In a burst of adrenaline I raced forward into a sprint, too afraid to see who was following me.

This was too cliché for my liking. A girl, all alone in dark streets, being chased by some creep. I rounded a corner and came face to face with someone in a black hoodie. I screamed and went to take a step back, only to hit someone's chest. I spun around and then started turning in circles. Five men all dressed in black had made a circle around me.

"Emiliana," one of them said. I stared at him and then the others. They all seemed familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, horrified. He cocked his head to the side, a cheeky grin on his face showing dimples. If these men weren't planning on hurting me, I'd almost of thought he was cute.

None of them answered me, all they did was laugh. The hooded men started circling me until a new voice, in a thick Irish accent, said: "Run." I stared at him.

"See how far you can get," another voice said.

"Don't think she'd get too far. She looks weak." A higher pitched voice said. The man who had been calling my name growled like an animal. I stared at him, completely terrified.

"She won't be weak when Harry's done with her." A new voice whispered. "Though I don't approve of the way you plan to do it." Harry chuckled at what the fifth voice said. The man who'd been calling me, Harry, slowly took a few steps forward. I backed away, almost running into the Irish man.

Harry stepped aside, "try and run. If you can make it home, we won't bother you again. But if we catch you..." He trailed off.

"I'm lost." I whispered.

"Then it looks like we'll catch you." The second, deeper voice, spoke.

I broke out into a sprint. I was a fast runner, don't get me wrong, but somehow they were faster. They were unnaturally fast. They sped by me in blurs. One of them stopped in front of me, a smirk on their face. They circled me again.

"You're supposed to give me a head start." I whispered. I chose the right day to wear converse.

"I guess it's fair since she's only human." The third voice sighed.

"We'll give you ten seconds." Harry moved away again. "One... two..." I ran away screaming.


this is my new fanfiction !! hope you like it so far. i'll update it every saturday (:

kisses xx

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