Not Wanting

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Pitch's POV

I growled in annoyance and blasted everything in pure sight.

Many of my so called agents looked for hiding as I blasted the computers.

Why do they not want to do this?

I will get them.

"Hans!"I yelled angrily.

If he does not come in five seconds I will tear him to shreds.

An emotionless Hans came in and I smirked.

"Find out where Agent Ice lives"I said my eyes glowing making him smirk and run off.

"Dracula"I said in seriousness.

Blue light appeared and soon enough as everything faded he was standing there.

"Make sure that everything points at him and send the next woman to my room"I said.

He stood there and I growled making him look at me, bow and leave.

Things are really looking up now.

Soon enough Hans came back to my office.

"Their address?"I said angrily.

"My lord they have two"Hans said and my eyes flared.

"Attack both I don't care"I said and he smirked.

"We will attack near 5:00 pm"He said before leaving.

I smirked.

~~~Meanwhile at Elsa's Mansion~~~

Elsa's POV

I rubbed my eyes.

"No I don't want to go"I said for the 100th time.

Probably exaggerating a bit.

"Get up!"Rapunzel shouted and I shook my head while covering my face with my blanket.

"No"I said and pouted.

"Come on Jackson is going to be there"Anna said while fixing her hair.

"I don't know who that is"I said annoyed.

"It's the afternoon come on"Rapunzel and Anna said while jumping on me.

I gasped for air.

They hit right in my stomach, how sweet.

"Will you stop if I go?"I asked while sitting up.

They nodded eagerly.

"I'm inviting a friend"I said while putting my shoes on and going downstairs.

"Eww you're not taking a bath"Rapunzel said and I shrugged.

"Took one when I got from work"I said.


"I changed earlier I won't waste more clothes"I said while getting my keys.

They grumbled and got into my car making me turn on the engine.

I yawned and drove to who knows where.

"Go left wait no that way"Anna yelled making me rub my eyes and start dialing Kristoff.

"I t-"

"Who? No need to scream Els"Kristoff said from the other line making Anna go quiet.

"You wanna go to the mall?"I said trying not to fall asleep.

"Aaaaaaa"'He said making frown.

"Stop singing and give me an answer"I said.

"No... Me-NO"Merida and Kristoff said and you could hear the phone been thrown.

"It's Flynn speaking"Flynn said making me sigh.

"Come with me to the mall"I said in a whiny tone while making a left.

".... You buying me food?"He asked and I rolled my eyes but smiled while parking.

"Sure"I said as a group of guys approached the car.

"Ok I brought the phone and I can see you sooooooooo"Flynn said making me shake my head.

"Kristoff's going to kill you"I mumbled as a motorcycle parked in front of me.

The guy in the motorcycle waved making me get out.

"Yeah most likely but they're playing so yeah I'm bored"He said as Anna talked to the guys that were in front of the car.

"Els"Punzie said making me look at her.

"Oh uhm this is Flynn he came in last time"I said and her friends came and shook his hand.

"Hi I'm Jackson"

"Aah"I said and turned red as I shook his hand.

"Woah there Els"Flynn said while swinging his hand on my shoulder.

The guy looked taken back as I shook the next guy's hand.

'The name's Jay"A brunette said.

I don't believe you.

"Jonathan"A ginger said while waving.

I nodded and we all entered the mall while paparazzi took pictures.

"Aww sweet look a food court"Flynn said making Jackson nod and drag us all inside.

The owner smiled and closed the store while everyone else shut the windows.

Me and Flynn stood there awkwardly.

"Sorry Els. Famous like procedure we have to do to keep sanity"Anna said making me roll my eyes but nod.

"Alright so what do want to eat"Punzie asked and Flynn chuckled.

I glared at him while he looked at the dashboard.

Oh he's going to dry my wallet.


~~~Meanwhile at DEMONS apartment~~~~

Hans' POV

I'll give them hell.

For everything they did.

I smirked and looked at the army of nightmares.

"Attack"I said and they all aimed and fired with their guns.  

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