Meeting one of his Friends/babysitter.

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A/N: -Bows hundreds of times.-  I'm so sorry for the long wait. One of my sisters that was paying the net bill decided not to tell me that she stopped it. And canceling the net. Now that we got net again I can start typing again. and yes I know two of them is repeating the same guy. I did not have net when I typed this down on my computer. And forgot some of there friends names. Once again I'm not able to post all the time, I have work.


You where in your room looking for something when you heard him call out. "Y/n I have to go ... to work for a few. One of my friends is here and going to watch you" he calls out in the living room. You look over to your door as you heard the door close. You where filled with a bit of curiosity. You only been here for a few days. You never meet one of his friends, he did talk about them. So forgetting what you where looking for you head to the living room. Walking in a little you saw no one, so you in all the way and looked around. "Oh, hi" a friendly voice said behind you. You let out a small jump and look behind you. There stood a guy in a pink shirt, he laughs a little. "Sorry, I'm Arlan but you can call me Silentdroidd" he said while scratching the back of his head. "Hello" you said looking at him for a moment. There was a bit of a awkward silence for a moment. "Ok um, I'm going back into my room to look for my game" you said turning around and started to head back to your room. "Ok" he said and walked over to the couch and sat down. You walk into your room and go back to looking for your game. Finding it under your covers for some reason, you grab it and went back into the living room. To find him on the phone with someone. You decided to leave him alone and sit next to him. "Si ... Si I know, fine" he said. He then hands you his phone, "Vanoss want's to talk to you" he said. You look over at him and nod. Taking the phone, you put it to your ear, "hello?" you said. "Looks like work will take longer then I thought, all day looks like. I want you to be good and do what Droidd says, got it?" Vanoss said on the other line. Your nod your head forgetting that he could not hear you. "Got it?" Vanoss repeated. "Yes, I'll be good" you said. "Good put Droidd back on the phone" Vanoss said. You hand him the phone back, "he wants to talk to you" you said. He takes it and stands up and walks away and puts it to his ear. "Ya? .... no, no I know. I wont take her/him there. I'm staying here any ways. Ok adios" he said hanging up and putting the phone in his pocket. He then turns and faces you and smiles. "Want to get take out?" he asked in the smile. "Ok what are we getting?" you said with a smile. "What ever you want, I don't care really" he said. You think for a bit, "pizza?" you asked. "Pizza it is" he said standing up and grabbing the home phone. He calls the pizza place, while he did that you looked out of the window.  "All right coming over in fifteen minutes" he said a minute or two later. You look over at him, "what does Vanoss do?" you asked him. "Different things" he said sitting down on the couch. "Like what?" you asked. He was quiet for a moment, "retrieval and delivery jobs" he said. "Like food delivery?" you asked. "Yes that is one of them" he said. "How do you guys know each other?" you asked. "What is up with all the questions?" he asked. "Just want to get to know him a little better. Most questions he wont answer them" you said. "And for a good reason" he mumbles in a low tone. "What?" you asked him with a slight tilt of the head. "Nothing, lets change the subject por favor" he said. "Ok ... are you Mexican?" you asked. "Half Mexican" he said with a sigh. "Your only half Mexican? But you look and sound like a full Mexican" you said. He smiles, "I'm am half" he said. "What is the names of some of his other friends?" you asked. "Lets see there is MiniLadd, H2O Delirious, Wildcat, and Terroriser is a few" he said. You nod and talked to him some more, but every time you bring up there jobs he makes you change the subject. 

After a bit of talking the pizza was here. He gets up and pays for it then you two eat. After that you two play games, not even noticing that the time flew by. "I leave for all day and you are starting to Spoil her/him" Vanoss said walking in and looking around. You both let out a jump and look back to him. "Hi Vanoss" you said with a smile. 

Adopted by the Vanoss crew Scenario.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora