2. Confide

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i like logan so much that i will throw chairs aT EveryONe

Sorry, I'm being immature.

Why am I even obsessed with a character whose face you don't even s e e? *slaps self multiple times* (same with Frost, too)

Have some terms!:

ASN - Associate's Degree in Nursing, BSN - Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, NCLEX-RN - National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse

"Nice to meet you, sir," you said, scanning your eyes around the machine and computer-filled room. "I heard you needed a nurse?"

"Or anyone of that matter," the acting commander of the Ghosts said, pacing back and forth slowly. "Someone we can rely on if one of us were to fall in combat. Someone who we can, without a doubt, trust and confide our lives to."

"Surely you already have doctors and nurses?" It's not that you didn't want to assist them, it just seemed slightly unreal. How were you offered such a position so quickly?

"Yes, we do. But what we're asking you is to be a typical army nurse. You'll stay at our bases or field hospitals for most of the time, but sometimes be deployed with the boys while they're out in a mission. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. They'll make sure of it. It'd be easier to have medical support right away."

"Would it be okay for me to do so?" Your speech was slow paced, toned as if you had doubt. In yourself, at least.

"I see no harm in it."

You didn't know how to respond. The way he described it sounded like you were going to be risking your life, regardless of what he said about nothing happening to you- that is, if you agreed to take up the job. You averted your eyes to the ground and began thinking.

"Is it alright," you began, "if I have a little more time to think about it? I'm so sorry, this day has just been a bit too much for me." You thought it was always good to have more time when facing decisions like these- decisions that would greatly affect your life. You can't be expected to think of an answer within a few minutes.

"No, of course." He nodded. "Sorry for giving you such a... hard decision. Take all the time you need, and if you'd like, you can work as a regular army nurse as well."

You watched him carefully as he said that and mentally sighed in relief. He didn't look too disappointed in your response, so you suspected little problem for the future.

You bowed your head down, and then said, "Thank you." You were about to leave, taking one step, before you came across realization. "Where do I go?"

"Have Logan or Hesh help you," he said. "They should know. And I'd like to talk to you soon as well. To prove yourself, almost." He faced his fellow soldiers to discuss future matters.

You swallowed and nodded (as if he would see your nod) and began to walk towards the door. You were still limping, just a bit, but thankfully since you were here, there ought to be proper medical supplies you could use to fully tend your wounds with. The peroxide from earlier may have helped before, but there wasn't a slight chance you were getting away with using just that for wounds like this.

Elias had noticed your movement and bandaged legs and arms, and asked, "You did that yourself?"

"Yes, sir," you said. You really didn't know any other way to respond.

"I'm impressed. From what I've heard, the helicopter ride here was short, and you had a lack of supplies as well."

"It's nothing, really," you said, cheeks slightly tinted red from embarrassment. "I'm used to situations like these... That is, to a patient, not myself."

Call of Duty: Ghosts - Premature AllegianceWhere stories live. Discover now