Chapter 4

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It was november so it was still dark when Ren was preparing for her trip. The alarm clock read 5am when Ren woke up in order to get some training done before they left, to make sure that her mind and body were set for the journey. By the time she was outside it was 8:45am.

Dan's face was filled with so many different emotions it was hard to tell what was going through his head. Huge bags under his eyes suggested sleep deprivation and worry, yet a wide smile spreading the width of his face suggested joy and excitment. When Ren approached he looked over and opened his mouth to speak.

"Ren where have you been?" His voice was stern yet calm. "We've been waiting for you since 8."

"I wanted to make sure that I was ready. What better way than testing out some strategies."


"Techniques really. Different ways that I can take out numerous enemies, yet minimise the stamina and strength that I use. Meaning that I'll have enough energy to fight a larger amount of people AND be able to still use my brain effectively to figure out the perfect way to solve the problem in front of me... or something like that."

"Yeah I'm way too tired for this. Can we go?"

"Yeah we just need to figure out where Me-"

"I'M HERE!" Megan screamed as she ran towards the them. On her back was a giant bag filled with what looked like practically everything she owned.

"What on earth do you have in there!?" Ren shook her head as this monster of a bag towered over her.

"Oh you know nothing much just some medical equipment and a change of clothes."

"Really? That's a lot for -"

"And some heels well many heels I mean you can never have enough heels am I right of course I am. Oh and I have some makeup and a stitch plushie."

"A stitch plushie?"

"And of course you need food so I have biscuits and cake and pizza. Well now that I think about it pizza may not've been the best idea but oh well. Drinks wise I mainly only have water because anything fizzy is just gross. But I know that you and Dan like them so I brought a few bottles because I'm just that nice."


"Oh and how could I have forgotten my phone. Everyone needs a phone otherwise life is just boring. Along with my normal charger and 5 or 6 portable chargers cause ya know. Gotta be prepared for the worst. Other than that a few extra clothes and that's about it."

"Oh yeah that's it nothing more THIS IS A MISSION NOT A VACATION."

"Well, you are always telling me to be prepared and this is my definition of prepared. If you wanted me to pack differently then you should've been more specific with your explanation. Is that the plane ok I'll meet you on board then bye." With that Megan walked off onto the small, white jet sitting behind Dan. Ren's mouth hung open as she turned to face the plane.

"You're kidding me?" She asked Dan who looked just as shocked as his best friend.

"Unfortunately not."

"Great. Well this is going to be fun." A great amount of sarcasm was put into Ren's sentence.

Dan laughed as he turned and walked off to join Megan on board, leaving Ren behind still recovering after the previous statement. Once again she clenched her fist at the thought of having to stick with her for god knows how long. But after a while she shook it off and looked back at the tall building in the middle of nowhere.

It was named Lyndale after the founder of the private organisation used to fight against criminals and any man deemed too dangerous or out of control for the police to handle. The company is also used to infiltrate the homes of suspects to figure out their true identities and roles in crimes and gangs before gaining enough proof to have them taken down. The agents that work here are elite and are the only people capable enough of taking on the jobs. Some not even the C.I.A can complete. However, it was very rare for a girl to be such a key role and yet only 16. Infact, Ren was the first ever to become an elite spy before to age of 25. The only other person that was her age was Dan, and his father used to be their best agent before he passed away a couple years ago. The organisation agreed to take him in as he had no one, and ever since has worked extremely hard to keep his position there. With the proper motivation and training he had the potential to be unstoppable, but one person has always been better. Ren.

Ren came here a long time a go when she was only 8 years old. An old man named Marcus had found her lying in the snow in Norway almost frozen to death. Rather than leaving her to die he saw a fire inside the child. Passion and determination flourished in her heart and that lit a fire in her that he had never seen before. One look at the girl and he knew that she could become the best agent in the organisation. Maybe even the world. Even before learning of her physical and mental abilities he knew that she would surpass the greatest spy's all over. This young girl on the brink of death would be a key asset to the team. If she had fallen into the wrong hands she could easily be used as a weapon that would bring England to it's knees. So, he brought her to the north of England and trained her about how to maximise her potential in the field.

Although, every day Ren became stronger, her heart of fire burning brighter and stronger than ever before. It would not be long until she became a force of nature. One strong enough to take over the world as the knew it. But she still had a long way to go.

However, enemy units have discovered this rare find and wish to have her to themselves. These men have become filled with greed and anger about how she doesn't belong to them and are willing to do anything, even kill, in order to obtain Ren. She wasn't sent on a mission for months for her own safety, with more and more hearing the rumor of 'the blessed child', lots have been on the search for her.

None of this Ren knew. Layton believed that it might affect her performance and may cause her to always live in fear of being attacked. She and many others thought it best to leave it a secret, and not tell her until they were certain that she would always stick with them, and fulfilled her destiny, however long that may take. Ren still doesn't know the truth about who she is and what she can really do. Instead she continues to go on missions and jobs that the professor has asked her and Dan to do. That's the way it had been for years, always her and Dan.

Best friends since he arrived 4 years prior. An inseperable bond forged between them so much that every mission they have done they did together. Dan is the only person Ren trusts, and will most likely be the only person she ever will. They make each other stronger and fight harder. With the help of Dan Ren has found something worth fighting for, her home and her friends. This has made her even more powerful now that she knows why she is fighting, giving her the motivation to look forward and carry on even when it seems like the world is crumbling around her. Dan is always there no matter what and they make each other complete. They need each other in their crazy, little world.

Thinking about all the memories and fun that she has had there, Ren slowly walked up the steps to the plane and whispered under her breath.

"Goodbye Lyndale. I'll see you again soon."

Hey guys. Sorry I'm posting this late. I kind of changed everything that I had planned for this chapter but oh well. I think this version is so much better. Thankyou for over 50 reads and I promise to try and upload every thursday and sunday. Have a good week! :)

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