Chapter 4 - 'Movie Night?'

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We both sit there in silence. We have no words to say to eachother.

I just watched the guy I like get a skanks tongue shoved down his throat. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

I'm sitting on the couch across from him, still in my baggy T-shirt and basketball shorts, my hair is a mess and  my eyes are still heavy. Kageyama looks over at me and then looks back down. He brings both hands up to his mouth clutching them together and biting on his knuckle. He starts to fidget with his leg bouncing it up and down. He looks over me again stares for a minute then quickly walks over to me, picks me up, sits down and set me on his lap. I feel myself go hot and become really nervous.

Kageyama looks me in the eyes. "I don't love her."

"What do you mean? You were kissing her."

"She forces herself on me. Remember what I said about finding people who won't use you for money? Well she uses me for my money and my looks."

"Why don't you just get a restraining order?"

I see him look away from me now. "I can't get rid of her even if I wanted to." He puts his head on my chest and wraps his hands around my back.

"W-why not?!" I'm getting angry now. I don't want that skag anywhere near my Kageyama. We'll not exactly mine, but you know what I mean.

"You see it's because, she's my manager."

My face drops. M-manager?

"Well then fire her!"

"I can't" he keeps his tone clam despite my shouting. "If i loose her I loose everything, she's the best in town. She says she'll quit If i get a girlfriend or refuse her."

I hear his voice shake and along with that a silent sobbing. I can't help but hold him. I wrap my arms around his head and we hold our embrace until he's stopped crying.

He pulls back from me and looks at me. He reaches out for my head and ruffles my hair.

He mumbles something under his voice. "I'm glad I chose you."

Later on into the night we decide it would be best if Kageyama took a day off work. We sit and watch movies on his huge flatscreen under the blankets all day, with a bowl of Popcorn between us.

We watch Ratman Vs Cricket man, The Revengers, Stupid and Stupider, Fred and now we're watching The Ponjuring.

Underneath the sheets becomes too warm and I let my hands out from underneath my blanket. I peek over at Kageyama and he isn't even focusing on the movie, he's deep in thought.

I wonder what he's thinking about.

I look back at TV and not even a few seconds pass and I feel something wrap about my pinkie finger. I look down and it's Kageyama's pinkie. Soon that becomes the rest of his hand on top of mine. I feel my checks burning up and I tighten my grip too.

Then he stretches his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his chest. I can hear his heart beating. It's beating fast. Just like mine. I look up at him from down below he looks so focused. His jaw line is looming. Like the over hang of a cliff. I see wisps of his perfectly straight hair poking out behind his ears. Without thinking I reach up and stroke his cheek with the back of my finger. He looks down and me and grabs my hand. We both say nothing. We just stare into eachothers eyes.

I feel myself stretching up to meet his height and I see him bending down to reach mine. Before I know it our lips are locked. My eyes are closed and my heart is racing.

I want more.

I feel Kageyamas tongue scrape against my bottom lip but then it's gone again.
I let out a small whine asking him to do it again. But the next time he does he goes all the way in. I sneak mine in too when I get the chance.

My neck is starting to cramp being in this position. Still locking mouths I slide over onto his lap. Knocking the bowl of Popcorn over as I go. But we don't stop. It just keeps getting more and more passionate. I wrap my arms around his neck and his go around my lower back. Pulling me onto his waist. He sits forward a bit and I wrap my legs around his back. He slips his hands under my butt and lifts me up and he stands.

Still kissing he walks us over towards his bedroom and throws me on the bed and climbs on top of me. My hands still wrapped around his neck making sure he doesn't pull away. He grabs my thigh and pulls me closer to his length. I let out a small moan as he does so. He slips his hand into the front of my shorts and places his hand on my length. I know I'm hard and he now knows it too. He rips off my shorts then goes for my boxers but before he can we hear the door swing open and bang against the wall. We both jump to the shock and stare at the door.

It's that girl from before.


Yes i did just attempt to write smut. I know, I know, I'm a wimp for not taking it further but didn't want everything in this story to go perfectly. Maybe some day you'll get the full thing ;)

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