Chapter 10 - Rings?

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I wake up to the quietness of the still penthouse. Not a thing to be heard, complete peace. I look slightly over to my right with the corner of my eyes, Hinata isn't next to me?

"Hinata~" I call out but get no reply.

I sit up and scramble out of bed and poke my head into the kitchen. Not in here. I call out again.

"Hinataaaaa~" Still no reply. A mass of scary thoughts flood my head thinking about where my partner could be. I run to the door in panic but stop once my hands touches the door handle. Crap...I forgot Hinata went to counseling.

Ever since the attack Hinata has been scared to be alone anywhere and everywhere. He won't go to the store alone, won't stay in the penthouse alone, heck it took him a week to even go to the bathroom alone. He must have left on his own this morning though. He did say he wanted to conquer something. Maybe he's starting to feel better. I hope he can get past this. I really do.

It's quite boring being in the house on my own. I've become so used to Hinata's company that thinking about when I lived alone seems like a nightmare. I do the smallest things to try and pass time. I clean the floors, tidy our room, do the dishes, fold the laundry.

Still two hours until he comes home. Ugh I can't take the boredom. I decide to go to the town, i might pick us up lunch on the way back. The streets are buzzing with floods of people. Swarming around street performers, stalls and stores. It's almost Hinata's birthday, right? I want to get him something but i'm not quite sure what. Maybe a volleyball? He likes those. Oh, or maybe some new sneakers? Hmm...none of these are really clicking. I need something big...something he wouldn't expect. I look to my right and see it, the perfect gift.

Two hours later I meet up with Hinata outside to hospital where his counseling sessions are held. 

"How was it?" I ask when I see him. After leaning down to kiss him on the head. He looks flustered and probably doesn't like the fact i did that to him in public.

"I-It was good. Helped me a lot. Y'know Kags you don't have to keep paying for these classes I can get over it on my own." 

"I want to help."

"You help me anyways."

"How so?"

"Y-You' just do alright."

We laugh at the cringyness oh our conversation and make our way back to the penthouse. I stop Hinata before we walk into the lobby.

"What's wrong?" he asks

"Come with me." I yank his sleeve and drag him to the park down the street. I have to do this now I can't wait. I want to see his face when I give him his present.

"W-Where are we going Kageyama~" I don't respond to his question. Not because of ignorance but because there's so much running through my head. I'm excited but worried in case he wont like it at the same time. We near the park gates and I finally let go of his jacket. 

We walk to the pond and sit on the benches. Hinata sits close to be because of the cold atmosphere. I stretch my arm around him and pull him close.

"There's something I want to give you. I know it's not quite your birthday yet but..." I reach into my pocket and pull out the small black velvet box tied with a red bow.

"Kags! You didn't have to get me anything." Hinata blushes at the thought of his partner getting him a gift. 

He slowly pulls the string of the ribbon and to undo the knot then slowly opens the box. His face glows with a thousand lights. He looks at me slightly confused. 

"I don't get it..." Hinata questioned.

"It's a promise ring dumbass. Promise me we'll always be together." I say, my face redder than the tips of my ears.

"I promise!" He jumps up and hugs me tighty around my neck then rubs his nose against mine. "Where's yours?"

I pull the second ring from my pocket and slip it on my finger, then take the ring from Hinata and gesture him to give me his hand. Then I softly place the ring on his finger. Giving him one last kiss on the cheek we stand up and finally get back to the penthouse. We both change clothes and huddle in beside eachother on the couch. I turn on the TV to see the biggest shock of my life.

"K-Kageyama isn't that your old manager?" Hinata asks.

I say nothing but listen to what the TV Reporter has to say.

"In recent events Jackie Clevanger has been found dead in her home. We are yet to discover how she was killed but police say it was murder. Just released details include the current only suspect of the murder. Our suspect is model Kageyama Tobio. His DNA was found over the victims body and with the recent news of Miss Clevanger attacking Kageyama Tobio's boyfriend leads police to suspect it as an act of revenge. If anyone is to know the whereabouts of Mr Tobio or his boyfriend Hinata Shouyou we ask that you contact police immediately."


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