Chapter 3 Secret Girlfriend Eh?

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Once Chad had was pulled out of the car by Peter, he raced to the door, thrusting it open and ran to his room presumably. As soon as I walked in the door I heard Peter shouting for Ben.

"Ben," he yelled while running right into Ben in the kitchen, "Okay listen to this, so apparently, Chad had a girlfriend," his grin shining almost as big as his ego.

"And your point is?" He walks past him towards me not really caring what Peter had to say.

"Oh I forgot to mention a major detail, it was last year," his smile grows while Ben's face goes pale.

"Are you saying-"

"Yup. He had a girlfriend before he was 16,"

"CHAD DYLAN GRAHAM GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Ben's face soon became bright red. What's the problem with dating before your 16, I don't get it! I mean it's not like 14 or 15 year olds will be doing anything beyond holing hands, right? Soon I saw Chad's face at the top of the stairs, "Would you care to enlighten me on what Peter has brought to my attention?" Chad keeps his head low, frowning, "Chad," you can tell that Ben is annoying by the tone of his voice.

"Well," he's all choked up and can't think of the words to say, "You see... I don't get what the point is," he sticks his head up no longer showing any fear, "There is no way that you, Theo and Peter didn't date before you were 16 so I don't get the point why me and Laurel get in trouble for doing it!" I can tell he's angry now.

"Nowadays all kids want to do is have sex, and yeah I don't trust either of you to date before you're 16. You know condoms don't work 100% of the time, that's how I was born," he shows no emotion when he says this, even though it's a terrible truth he has to live with," And I don't think you've realized this yet, but I'm trying to protect you two guys so you don't end up being baby daddies or ending up pregnant," he pointed to me when he said that, I was the only girl there.

"And there is no way in hell that I am going to let you grow up to become some of filthy scum bag with kids he doesn't love like your father!" His words came out smooth, like he had no trouble saying those things. I turned and saw Chad with tears in his eyes starting to shake, it was a good thing I wasn't the only one crying. There was a pause of silence for a minute, we were all still in shock.

Bens P.O.V

I stopped, shocked at the words that had just come out of my mouth, I'm horrible to do that to Chad, to put him in that situation. I began to walk up the stairs and wrapped my arms around him, he slowly but eventually returned the hug.

"Im so sorry buddy, I don't know what I was thinking to yell at you like that. I wasn't thinking, I'm so sorry," he was sniffing and I could barely hear him as he sobbed through my shirt, but I managed to make out a its okay. I really do need to think about what I say, I'm their father figure and if I break down and start my spitting off things like that I don't know what'll come of this family. After a moment of hugging, we parted ways and I went to the kitchen to make dinner and everyone else went to their rooms to do homework if they had it or to just escape the awkward moment that just occurred.

Laurel's P.O.V

I was working on math, one of my least favorite subjects. It was basically just a review from last year but most of it was still confusing since I had forgotten how to do it all. I skipped down the stairs and opened the door to the basement where Peter and Liam's rooms were. Even though everything had been remodeled since Dad left it still creeped me out to go down there, I had made lots of memories in the basement.

I knocked on Liam's door until I heard the music stop and squire come in. He was sitting at his desk in his computer with his camera hooked up to it, scrolling through pictures he had taken.

"Holy cow did you take these?" I looked at some of his pictures, they were incredible like he had taken them out of a nature magazine, he was really good at what he did.

"Yeah a while back when we went to the sand dunes. So what'd you come in here to talk about?" I showed him my homework and sprawled out on his bed," You still having trouble with math?"

"If you not understanding or remembering any of it, then yes, I'm having trouble with math still," he laughed a little bit. I liked spending time with Liam, he wasn't like the other boys, I could deal with him.

After he taught me how to do everything and I began to remember, we sat listening to new music he had found. I loved his music, it sort of had a slow indie rock vibe to it. We heard dinner being called and rushed upstairs, tripping over each other on the stairs.

After dinner I got ready for bed and went into Chad's room to ask him how he was feeling. I knocked on the door and heard a come in and opened the door walking in to find Chad laying on his bed looking at his phone.

"Hey, are you okay about early?" I walkover to him and sit on the edge of his bed, he didn't take his eyes off his phone.

"I'm fine what about it?" He didn't want to be having this conversation with me, heck he didn't want to be having this conversation at all.

"Well I just wanted to see how you were doing, Ben was being pretty harsh with his words. And his whole speech thing was directed towards us so," I don't know what to say so I just stare at him, he turns off his phone and sits up glaring at me.

"Listen, I know that you're as fragile as China and always need comforting when someone yells at you but I don't, so if you could stop treating me like a baby that's be nice," his stare cuts into me and that's all I can think about before my hand comes in contact with his face. I run out of the room and across the hall to my room where I slam the door closed and sit on my bed, tears filling my vision. I turn off the lights and climb into bed, wiping away my tears.

He said I was weak. I am not weak. And with that, I was asleep.

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