Chapter 10 Just A Dream

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When the bell rang and it was time to go to concert choir, I decided I still wanted to be alone and sat on the corner of the fourth riser. Hopefully everyone would just get the point and leave me alone.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" I looked up to see Zane, staring down at me.

"Um uh, no, not at all," I sounded like a freaking idiot! Why did he make me feel so nervous? Was it because he was older or that he was Chad's friend. Whatever it was, I didn't like it.

"That crowds not really my style," he said while folding his arms and taking a seat next to me.

"You mean the whole "cool kids" group? Like with my brother and all?" I laughed a bit, he wasn't a stupid pretty boy, he was a nice one.

"Your brothers my homie and stuff but I mean just the whole cool thing ain't that great, especially when half the freshmen love you," he chuckled.

"Oh but you still like being full of yourself?" His face turned a bit red.

"No it's not that it's just, well most of them do, I mean I can practically see you drilling now," he smiled and I went red like a fire truck.

"Haha, um I gotta use the bathroom," I tried to walk away.

"Laurel, it was a joke," his smile was similar to Areea's, except his was wider, I sat back down next to him,"We all need to get away sometimes, sometimes we need space. Isn't that why you aren't sitting with your friends?" I sniffed slightly,"Point is, I can't always be that guy, maybe your brothers can but, I'm not that strong," why was he opening up to me?

"Putting a face on us not being strong, believe me my brothers are anything but strong," he laughed as the bell rang and I opened my eyes. It was a dream. A stupid, beautiful, dream.

Sorry for the short chapter guys I just wrote this much and wanted to end the chapter here. Love you guys! Also comment or message me on anything you want to happen or any ideas you have! Thanks guys so much for over 200 reads!

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