My friend My love

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"So we ll meet then"
"Yup we will"
We said aur laters, and decided to meet.
I wore my best clothes
I straightened my hair
Applied some kajal
And went there
I saw the time i waited.
I ran some errands...
I waited....
I called him up, he dint pick up...
I waited....
I sat there all alone waiting for him to call..
Waiting for him to show up...
I called him again he hung up on me...
Then i tried to contain my tears within me...
Then HE called alas..
My heart beat faster...
I stumbled on my feet..
I picked up...
He said..
He couldnt make it...
Oh! I said.... Its fine..
I rose my head took a deep breath..
And in my heels...
I walked back home...
The next day...
In hope of meeting him..
I went out...
Waited for his call...
Alas i called him...
He was there... Just besides me..
I called him..
He said... He is about to leave..
And that hw cant do this anymore..
He said he ll call... But he was
So close...he had left...
Nt nly frm the place..
But from my life...
He was so close to me...
Yet so far away..
I fell down...
Sat there staring at his picture
on my phone..
I weeped...
I tried to hurt myself...
I tried calling him...
But he never called..
I didnt realise...
I lost him..
My friend ..
My love..

Me And My..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt