don't let it win

221 8 0

run baby, run as fast as you can
dont let the darkness over take you,
don't let it win,
don't let the pain control you
Your mind spins like a vinyl record on repeat
racing in circles slowly driving you crazy,
You want to hit delete but you can't,
You're stuck, you're stuck living in the past,
Past relationships, past abuse, past pain...
You want to forget but you can't.

Run baby run, as fast as you can
Don't let the darkness take over you,
Don't let it win....

You let it win,
You let it over take you,
As you slowly drag the cool metallic blade over your skin,
You let it win by lighting that joint between your lips,
You let it win by drinking that bottle of vodka in your hands...

You let it win

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