The Voices

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Every so often at night,

As I lay in my bed

Alone, the voices start

Talking in my head.

Think of me as mad,

But they fancy me dead.

These voices are unique,

All one of a kind,

And every single one of them,

Wrapped up in my mind.

But they cloud my senses,

Making me blind.

I don't remember when they started,

Or why they came,

But they toy with my mind

As if it were a game,

Thinking of it now,

Am I the one to blame?

I listen to them telling me

Things like right from wrong.

I used to ignore them

But the voices are far too strong.

Think of me mad,

But they've been here all along

Created by me,

To give me a reason why,

Like an imaginary friend.

But one that has gone away.

What used to be a part of me,

Simply turned too sly.

Nobody can help me.

There's no one to rely on

Except the voices

Who have done nothing but imply

That they fancy nothing more,

Than for me to die.

So as in the night draws nearer,

And the loneliness creeps in,

The voices start talking to me,

Again and again

Soon, one of these nights,

I don't know when,

The voices in my mind

Will eventually win,

And on that night,

My room therein,

Would lie a lonely girl

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