Chapter 3

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My eyelids are heavy as I try to open my eyes. I am cold, really cold and my back and neck hurt. I am laying on a hard surface and as I try to move my arms I realize they are tied, as well as my feet. I can't move at all.

I start to yell, the place smells like mice and I really want to go to the bathroom.

"Help!" I yell. "Someone help me please! Alguien ayúdeme por favor!" As I start to cry someone opens the door violently. A man, a tall man, is standing in front of me, scowling. He is dressed in black tight pants, a black t-shirt, brown leather boots and has a bandanna on his hair. He is wearing a cross necklace and has some tattoos on his arms. His emerald green eyes are visible from my spot on the floor. I realize my mouth is open as I stare at him. He is really hot, he is gorgeous. The question is: who is he?

"Are you here to untie me?" I ask him. His face softens and he laughs. What the hell is he laughing at? I frown.

"Yes, of course, let me untie you." He is being sarcastic. Then it hits me, that laugh, the deep voice, the accent. He is the one that has been calling me, broke into my bedroom, drugged me and threw me here.

"Wait," I say. "You are the bastard that has been calling me, you are that fucking anonymous number."

"I would watch that tone if I were you." He says, then he grins, a malicious little smile. "But wow! You are so smart I feel bad for myself. It totally runs in your family, I guess." His sarcasm is making me angrier. He chuckles when he sees my frown. He kneels in front of me and bites his lower lip while grinning.

"What the fuck do you want from me? Where the hell am I?" I ask harshly. He chuckles again and shakes his head slowly while doing sounds with his tongue.

"Sixteen years old and with that smart mouth. What would Ricardo say if he hears you use that language and that tone with an adult? And we are on an airplane, doll." He replies. Wait, he knows my father?

"First, I will talk to you however the fuck I want. Second, don't you fucking call me doll. And third, how the hell do you know my dad?" I spit. He stops grinning and keeps a straight face.

"Watch how you speak to me or you will regret it. You are right I should call you by what you really are, a bitch. And I perfectly know your dad because he is a fucker that has gotten in trouble with my father." He says, his words harsh, but his tone neutral.

"And what do I have to do with all of these? It's not my fault that my dad is like that." I say as soft as I can manage. His face softens again and he grins.

"Don't act all innocent now, the hate can be seen through those pretty green eyes of yours. Are you naive enough to ask that kind of shit? You are here because you are being used against your bastard of a dad so he can get his shit together and face all his goddamned problems." He says, I blush as he finishes talking, remembering how he just complimented me.

"Can I at least know where the fuck we are going?" I ask, my voice raising. He smiles and shakes his head again.

"We are going to Vermont, now get your shit together or I will have to knock you out again." Vermont?! What the fuck.

"Can you at least treat me with some respect?! I did nothing to you! For goodness' sake!" I snap. He scowls and removes the bandanna from his hair. Oh no. His hair is put up and he has some brown lovely curls, what the hell no! I can't even think he is cute, he is kidnapping me because of some shit my father did. He is a criminal. Before I realize it, he ties the bandanna around my head so it covers my mouth, silencing me. I start screaming.

"Now, shut the fuck up or I will kill you." He threatens and a shiver runs through my already cold body. The tears stram down my face and when I take a deep breath, I realize that the bandanna that the guy put over my mouth has a really good and pleasant smell that calms me down.

Whisper (Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن