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Screams twist through my ears. My mother's arms are scratched and blood pulses to the surface of her skin and soaks into her clothes. Tears well up in my eyes as I watch her suffer, wondering what the hell is going on. Her hands grope for me and clutch at my wrists, pleading at me for something, anything. Her face is blotchy and coated in tears and blood. She sniffles in intervals before letting out one last heart wrenching shriek and clawing at her heart.

She falls silent and collapses into my arms. Terrified, I shake her back and forth. "Mom? Mom!"

There is no response, just as I knew there would not be.  The flow of tears down my face increase the rapidly. I let out a whimper, confused and unsure.

Emitting a moan, my mom weakly opens her eyes, and they are tinged with crimson. "Yuu..."

A sob escapes my clenched teeth. I slap my hand over my mouth, then slide it over my chin and drop it to my lap. "Mom! What's... what's happening to you... I can get you a doctor, just... just hold on..."

I turn to run out the door, but my mother's limp hand falls onto my forearm. "No, Yuu... There is no doctor. It's too late... Get away. Stay safe..."

"No! Mom...."

"Go," she cries.

"I'll get you help, Mom, just hold on," I shout before stumbling out of the house.

When I leave, her eyes are closed, and there is a weary but passive smile on her face.

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