Chapter 1

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The dust settles back into the ground and I stand their on the edge of the cliff panting with my tongue hanging out of my mouth. The cool breeze flowing nicely through my jet black fur cooling the skin underneath it. It was starting to get late and I really didn't want to go back to the pack house yet.

But none the less I reluctantly persuaded my wolf to let me go home.

James Michael Anderson where in the hell are you?! My mother screamed through mind-link I thought i blocked everyone...clearly not.

Clam yourself Trashy, I'm on my way. I said sitting down looking up at the moon swishing my tail from left to right slowly.

How many time have I told you to call me mom?

Well you don't call me son, you call me James. I spat back venom dripping from my voice.

If your not home in 15 minutes I'll have the Alpha position passed on to Wesley. I growled lowing at her Wesley is my cousin the runt of the family.

'Whatever on my way' and with that I stood up and pushed myself to get home my paws scraped the ground I felt twigs snap under them and I made it home in record time.

"I'm home now get off my back Tracy" I said passing by my mother who was standing at the door waiting for me I guess.

"Son" she began

"Oh so now that I said something your gonna say it, no" I let out a low growl. My mother sighed and began again

"James you need to stop running off and not tell anyone where your going"

"That's the point Tracy I don't want anyone to know where I am I'm just waiting for the Alpha position." I looked at my mother her short brown hair with balded spots that were combed over by more hair from where she pulled it out. Her larger forehead connected down to her thin eye brows, on top of her brown eyes between them was her pointed nose freckles cover it along with her plump cheeks which connected to her pointy chin. She had a thin neck that flowed to her bony shoulders and slender frame. Over all she was small I was taller then her and clearly weighed more.

"An alpha need to have a good relationship with his pack" she said I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a longer breath.

"I know that and I'm gonna work on that, but I'm learning every inch of the land I know how to be and alpha, but it's not my fault that your doing a crappy job." My mothers eyes began to tear up slightly. I may have gin to far,  but it needed to be said she knows nothing about the land or how to keep it safe. I know my pack members I know how they act. I know their strengths and weaknesses. I know their blood lines,  and I know what they can do to help this pack grow.

"When you find your mate you'll think differently." She said with a smug grin on her face thinking she had won this argument haha Fat Chance.

"Well here's the thing Tracy I don't want a mate, they get in the way. They make you weak, soft, having that much feeling for someone is gonna get you hurt. And if my father didn't have one he wouldn't be dead IT'S YOUR FAULT HE'S DEAD. I WANNA CHOSE MY PACKS LUNA SO WE CAN BE THE STRONGEST NOT HAVE HER THRIWN UPON ME I have enough things to take care if already.  " I bellowed my wolf slightly mad at me because he really wants his mate very badly. I turn around and start my way upstairs. I walk down the long hallway to my room at the end of it and open my door, it was quite most of the pack members we asleep they have an early start tomorrow, as do I. I am surprised that none have them had awoken during Tracys and I's conversation, I've been told I can get fairly loud.

I walk to my door opening it quickly the the cool air engulfing me. I shut the door with my foot and sit down on my bed. I untie my boots and slide them off my feet, pulling my socks off along with them. I strip of of the rest of my clothes leaving me in just my boxers and shift so I'm under the black converter and reach over to the night stand to grab my TV remote turning on my TV as background music when I scroll through stuff on my phone.

After a while I click off my phone and plug in into the charger then roll on my stomach letting sleep slowly take over me.


I rocket out of my bed when I hear a strange noise in my room when I open my eyes there are 7 men in my room wearing hoods and ski type mask over their face. I didn't recognize their sent's so I was now on edge. I growed a deadly growl I could smell the fear radiating off them which made me smirk they don't know what they're getting into. Well I'm not going down without a fight. All the men reach out to grab me. I flip myself onto my back sit up and grab one of the men's wrist with a tattoo of a sun on his forearm and spun it around until I heard the bones within it snap. He roared in pain his once blue eyes that had been seen through the holes in his mask were now black and full of rage and pain. He lounged at me straddling my waist with his one good hand around my neck slowly cutting the flow of air. My claws extended and I began to rip his flesh open. He hissed in pain again as I dug deeper into his skin.

"You stupid idiot, the boss said NOT to harm him" his grip tighten as the men tried to pull him off me.

"We have a better chance of bringing him in if he's knocked out, you know that." The rest of the men exchanged looks to eachother and nodded there heads all together and let the man continue killing me, they held my legs still because the man was having a hard time staying on me with how much I was kicking and bucking my hips so much.

Somebody doesn't there manners it's like guy code help a brother out. I retracted my claws and let my hand fall back onto my cloud like bed. My vision became hazy and black spots invaded it slowly I wrapped both of my hands around his wrist pulling it with the rest of the strength I had left which was not much. I plunged hey claws into the man thigh easily cutting through it like hot butter. His grip loosened and I went into a coughing fit trying to catch my breath. It wasnt working.

"Let go James everything will be okay" My wolf Jared said.

'Whoa Buddy I know I'm going through a hard time right now, but I'm not that depressed' I replied I was shocked he would want to give up this easy.

'No you dim-whit I will wake you up I'm not leaving this life time without my mate by my side' I resided the urge to roll my eyes. I felt Jared take over and let the darkness consume me. At least I'm finally getting some sleep tonight.

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