I gasp And reach of my neck panting 'Was is all a dream' I though to myself hoping it wasn't.

'Nerp' Jared said me I could practically see his wolfish grin. I smiled to myself he's just as cocky as me.

'Are you okay, and thanks for waking me up' I said very grateful to be alive.

'I'm fine you big baby, and your welcome, OH maybe we should Mind-link your mother she is the alpha/Luna after all maybe she can help us?'

I growled lowly at the thought. I will not give her that satisfaction of that. 'I will not seek anything from her exsept the alpha position and that's final'

'Oh really your calling the shots now big guy? Because last time I checked I'm in charge and you listen to me.' Jaden said lowly And just like that I felt a wave of pain flood my system I sit up and throw my hands on my stomach hoping to get a chance to win this battle I was was just unwillingly challenged to.

'Like hell I do' I spat at him the pain increased but I was gonna win he needs to know I'm not his puppet. I decide when he gets control, not him.

'Wanna bet' it became harder to breathe I felt as if I was chocking on words I wanted to say, but couldn't.

'Bet' I said back. Jaren growled and I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

'You see here cupcake I'm the boss I'm in your head' I felt a small, but noticeable pain in my head.

'I'm in your body'. I felt a pain shot out and explode every where

'And I'm in your heart This is my body your just my good side' I could swear that he smiled fot the love of God can we please just get along for one day just one day that's all I want.

'This is my body you just live in it.' I fell out of bed and landed on my forearms on the way down. I slowly army crawled my way to open the bathroom door and weasel my way into it. I crawled me way to the drawer and found a razor blade and pressed it against my neck.

'I can still do this' I paused seeing his smile fade 'and you'll never meet our mate' I said Jaden whimpered in response I could feel him retreating into to back off my mind. 'Oh no you don't, give me my legs back right now! ' I yelled at him. Jaden growled but did as he was told for once. I smiled to myself knowing I had one.  I wasn't a very fair way of winning,  but I still won.

I let out a breathe and wiggled my toes. 'Wait a minute I don't remember putting these pajama pants on.' I stood up slowly and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes widen at the sight my neck. It had a purple and black ring around it in the shape of a persons had. I reach my hand up to touch it slowly running the tips of my fingers across it, it didn't hurt so that's a good sign I guess .

Wait another minute. (minutes waited 2)

This isn't my bathroom. My bathroom is no where near this clean or this fancy. The mirror is framed with a golden outline all the way around it hung over the double sinks with a marble counter top that clean mr. Clean himself could eat off of it.

I turned around and see a glass shower that next to that a large bathtub. A small chandler hanging overhead of it and two Windows near it. I slipped the razor blade I had into my pocket just in case.

This is very strange, if I were to take someone as prisoner I would not put them in a place like this one.

I walked back into the large bedroom and noticed that bedroom had matching floor to the bathroom. The bed look around a King size with a blanket with a ton of different colored triangular shapes on it. At the foot of the bed there was a chest in assuming it has extra blankets in it, or a dead body either or. Directly across from that across the room is a TV mounted on the wall hanging over a black dresser with gold knobs.

I heard the someone on the other side of the door juggle some keys and I bolted twords the bed. I climbed in it throwing the blanket over me as if I never woke up, but me being how I am I really needed to sell it, so I rolled over on my stomach with one of my arms hanging off the side of the bed with my face no longer on any of the pillows, but smashed up against the bed with my mouth slightly open a tad and I shut my eyes right as the door slowly opened showing a girl now older the 14 carrying a bowl of water on her forearm and a rag in her hand. With a small stool in her other hand.

She made her way to the side of the bed where my arm was hanging off and set the stool down leaving the water on top of it with the rag on the night stand. Then she carefully picked up my arm and rolled me over trying not to 'wake me' I guess. When I was on my back she lifted my head up and put a pillow under it and picked up the rag and dipped a corner of it in the water then squeezed it getting the extra water back in the bowl. That sounds reminded me of how thirsty I was.

She stook the rag and slowly and softly began to clean up my neck. The little girl was beautiful. She had long, light brown hair that came to about her elbows. It was parted more to the right and it framed face perfectly. She had blue eyes that remanded me of the ocean. She had pink cheeks and dimples when she smiled. She had white theeth protected by her pink lips. She wore a dirty yellow short sleeve shirt with a ribbon tided on the back of it and a pair of old ripped blue jeans.

Her hands were small, but they continued to clean up and down my neck then she moved down to my shoulders the down my arms cleaning all my defensive wounds and scratches that she could see. Once she was finished the bowl of once clear liquid was a kinda pink and red color.

She lifted up the bowl carefully not to spill it and walked into the bathroom and begain dumping the substance into the sink and left the rag inside the bowl on the counter. Then came back leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom with one leg crossed over the other.

"I know you are awake." She said with a smirk plastered onto her face.

I opened my eyes squinting for my eyes to see clearly again "What gave it away?"

She giggles and walked to the bed sitting on to foot of it. I sit up with my back to the headboard 'dang that's cool" I think to myself'

"Because people who are sleeping don't follow your movements with your head. When I  moved left your head went left simple." She said.

"Smart kid" I replied

"Indeed" she said in return to my statement.

"Do you know why I'm here" I questioned

"Yes, but I can't tell you" then she stood up grabbed the bowl and stool and walked out the door shutting it behind her.

The door reopened "Oh by the way my name is Bethany." She said with a smile then lock the door behind her. For such a smart kid she did some very strange things. I know all about Bethany and her past. I think back to my notes I had collected on her. 

Bethany: White female,  no known family

Age: 14
Past: A fire broke out in her home killing everyone in side including her younger brother, mother, father, and pet. She blames herself because she stayed at s friends house the night of the fire.
Class: Omega (lowest class)

Why would these people want to take Bethany as well?

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