A dare for zen and Shirayuki 3

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Me: Hai there everyone!!!!!
Obi: Hello hikari chan
Zen: hi...
Shirayuki: hello.
Me: It looks like everyone is here.
Obi: yup
Zen: i'm sooooo tried.
Me: same. Guess what????
Everyone: WHAT??
Me: today i skipped school. Yay!!!!
Zen: Are you serious????
Me: just joking i got sick today so my mom told me to not go to school. Still i'm happy that i didnt go to school.😁😁
Obi: LUCKY~~~
Me: okay lets get started now.
*clears her throat* hello everyone today we have a dare for our cutes couple Shirayuki and zen.
Shirayuki: Aww thanks.
Me: your welcome.
Okay, so the dare is from @TheGamerFan
(thanks for requesting)
" zen and shirayuki have to lock them self together in a small room for about 3 hours."

Zen: *blushes* say what?????
Me: yup you heard me.
Obi: whats wrong master?? This should be easy since she is your beloved girlfriend.
Zen: Shut the hell up you freckin bastard.
Obi: Oh did i hit a nerve. 😜
Me: Come down you guys.
Shirayuki: Its going to be okay zen.
Zen: Oh sure.
Me: Okay zen and shirayuki. Have fun!!!!
Zen: There is no fun being in a small room for 3 hours.
Me: Oh yea right. 
Obi: Okay bye have fun.
Shirayuki: See you in 3 hours.
Me: Make sure you guys make out together.
Zen: Eeehhhhh!!!

~~~~~~~ 3 hours~~~~~~~~~

Me: Obi its been 3 hours i think we should let them out.
Obi: sure thing hikari chan.

Me: Zen and shirayuki you guys can get out now. Its been 3 hours.
*opens the door*

Obi: they're not here.
Me: What????

* few moments later*

Zen: hi author chan.
Me: what the heck are  you guys doing here when you guys should be in the small room for 3 hours.
Zen: well we want to the garden for the 1st couple of hours then went to a restaurant and we took a travel to this beautiful town.
Obi: so you guys just went on a date in stead of completing the dare.
Shirayuki: i'm sorry hikari chan.
Zen was the one who force me to go with him.
Me: Zen!!!!!!!!
Zen: hey it wasnt my fault that i got bored.
Me: WHATEVER!!!!!!! (¤-¤)

Hi guys. I'm sooo sorry that i didnt update the truth / dare.
Plus i have over 16 requests so i wont be taking any more request from now on. Thanks my amazing readers for still reading this weird book  full of truth or dare. I still cant believe you guys read this book. I'm also happy that some of guys took this book very inspired of it. Well no need to thank me.
Well guys bye. Have a nice day.😘😘

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