A truth for Zen and shirayuki

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Me: hai everyone..
Obi: Hi miss hikari
Shirayuki: Hello
Zen: hi
Me: What time is it??
Zen: Its 7:12 am
Me: No dumb its time for Christmas.
Zen: How do i know i thought you ask for the actually time.
Me: Forget it!!! Anyways merry Christmas to all my readers. Thanks for reading my truth or dare book even tho i really havent updated for like months. Thank you all.💖💖
Shirayuki: I love Christmas.
Obi:Christmas???how do we celebrate Christmas again???
Everyone: WHATTT!!!!!!!!
Zen: You dont know how to celebrate Christmas??
Obi: Yea sorry i was raised in a village were we dont celebrate anything not even birthday parties.
Shirayuki: Thats sad.
But dont worry this time you will celebrate it with us and we will teach you how to celebrate it too.
Me: well guys lets just stop talking and lets finish the two truths we have for Shirayuki and zen.
Lets start with zen's truth.
This truth came from Nash_Stormrage
He or she asked if zen is jealous to obi or ryuu??
Zen: What?? I'm not jealous to anyone.
Me & obi: Are you sure???
Zen: Yea....
Me: Obi
Obi: What??
Me: Come here. * whispers to obi about something*
Obi: Okay i'll do it.
*goes to Shirayuki and holds her hand*
Shirayuki: Obi whats wrong??
Obi: Nothing. *smiles*
Zen: Okay what the heck are you doing holding my precious Shirayuki??
Me: See your jealous zen. Your jealous to obi.
Zen: whatever!!! *grabs Shirayuki's hand and pushes obi*
Obi: Aawww that really hurt.
Shirayuki: Aahhh i think we should move on with the next truth.
Me: Yea we should, i dont want a drama to begin.
Lets go to the next truth. This truth is from poppieyay123
He or she asked Shirayuki if zen boss you around a little bit and that is he annoying when he is around you all the time??
Shirayuki: Aaaahhh well i'll be honest yes zen does boss me around well thats because he is the prince of clarines and that he is perfect the way he is. I dont mine him bossing me around. Also to the other question you asked, No its not annoying that zen is around me all day. He's just protective around me and i really appreciate him protecting me. He is really sweet and nice even tho some of you guys may think Zen is a jerk and all but i love him and he is everything to me.
Zen: *blushes harder*
Obi: whats wrong zen?? * smirkes*
You're blushing .
Zen: No i'm not.
Thanks Shirayuki for the wonderful words. I love you too 💖💖 and merry Christmas.
Shirayuki: Merry Christmas to you too.
Me: Woow this is getting to a cheesy romantic over here.
Obi: True.
Me: Obi why are we single??
Obi: Why ask me?? Idk.
Me: *cries* me too.
Anyways i hope every one enjoyed this chapter even.
Everyone: Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!🎅🎅🎅

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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