Chapter Five- Training

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Blight's POV


The chariot ride was a success. I played my angle, and someone even threw a rose at me! I caught it, of course. I looked magnificent in my outfit. Mom is proud.

Today is training day. At breakfast, I stuff as much food as possible into my stomach. I can feel the pressure. I need to make an impression. After breakfast, we ride down to the training center. The doors slide open and I get one of my first looks at the tributes.

The first thing I notice is the pair from One. They are fighting at the berries station. The girl has short brown hair and hazel eyes. She seems to be about fourteen. Fourteen! All careers are eighteen. Something must have gone wrong with the Reaping. In the back of my mind I remember her name- Megaera . And then it clicks. She volunteered for her little sister, even though the Careers were supposed to take care of that. I like her immediately. Anyone who does that is a friend of mine.

The boy has blonde hair and green eyes. His face is twisted up in a mixture of disgust and disappointment. I remember his name clearly from the Reaping. Caesar. He is definitely a Career. Big muscles, toothy snarl. The works.

From what I can eavesdrop from their conversation, Megaera doesn't want to be a career. Good for her. Caesar is angry they will be short a member. After a while of watching them fight while I tie knots, and Caesar storms off to talk to the other Careers.

I cautiously approach her. Her brown eyes glance at me and then flit away quickly. She turns a berry over in her hands. I sit down and inch closer to her. "Hi. I'm Blight." I say to her, using a gentle tone. "I'm Megaera." She practically whispers. "That was brave of you, volunteering and all." I say. She lifts her head up slightly and looks at me. It's a long time before she answers.

"I want to go home."

"Me too."

She moves a little closer to me. "Allies?" I ask. She nods, but it's barely detectable. "Allies."

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