Chapter Ten- A Big Suprise

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I have been wanting to write this chapter so much!! Yay!! I really hope you like it!
I will be trying to do an author's note almost every chapter. Also, I want your opinion on this; should I make a joint account for Emerson and/or Blight? Comment and let me know!
Okay, okay, I can't wait any longer! Get ready!!

Blight's POV

I wake up in the morning and I yawn. Sunlight streams through the trees, giving a everything pretty yellow golden glow. It has just begun to be morning, and the light is still hazy and cloudy. I walk out of the shady forest to feel the warm light on my skin.

I smile. The canyon is bathed in the morning light, and it looks beautiful. I grab a handful of pine needles and boil them in the remaining water left in the parachute container. But, I am careful to conceal the smoke, although it would be hard to spot in the hazy clouds anyway. I sigh and sit on the sandy ground drinking my pine tea. It tastes good. Piney.

After a few hours, Megaera comes out and sits with me. She leans against me and I put my arm around her, sipping our tea. This feels good. I wish it could be like this forever. Not the Games part- of course- but the peaceful titter of the birds flying across the morning sky and relaxing with Megaera.

We sit for a bit, then we pack up and keep moving along the canyon. We follow it like I follow the train tracks back home.


A cannon goes off. I sigh and wonder who it was.
It doesn't get hot, it just stays the same perfect slightly warm until noon. We stop to eat, chowing down a rabbit I found. We sit near the edge of the canyon, looking at the view.

We start to get up to leave, but a sound startles me from the underbrush a few feet away. .

"Hsst," I warn Megaera before she gets up. She looks at me with wide eyes, but sits back down. Minutes pass, but we don't hear the sound again. I deem it safe. It was probably just a squirrel or something. We get up again, all the way this time.

Something just feels right. Now is the time. I take her hand and face towards the canyon. I turn her so she is looking at me.

"Megaera, there is something I need to tell you. Ever since the first night, something has been pulling at me. I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings. And I think you feel the same way. Not that you have to- I just maybe thought that- it sort of seems like-"

But before this horrible train wreck can continue, Megaera pulls me in, and kisses me hard on the lips. My eyes widen.

Oh. My. God.

"So you do feel the same way?" I ask, still in shock. "Yes, Pine-Head!" She giggles, and we kiss again. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth. Well- not really. My mouth is occupied.
Thunk. "What was that?" I ask, pulling away and opening my eyes. Megaera's eyes are open too. With surprise. She sucks in a huge breath and falls onto me. Her knees buckle and I hold her up by her arms. I can see it now.

There is a bloody knife in her back.

"Oh my God, Megaera!" I scream. She heaves in another breath, fighting to stay conscious. I hear a long, shrill scream and look over to the other side of the canyon. Someone has fallen in. The width across the canyon is shorter here than most places. The killer must have thrown the knife across the span, and then accidentally fallen in.
"Oh my God, Megaera!" I scream again.

She heaves for breath, and I gently lay her down on my knees, leaving a space for the knife so it doesn't go farther in. "Oh my God, Megaera," I whisper, tears trailing down my cheeks.


A cannon booms, but it isn't Megaera's. She smiles weakly. "Blight, I need to tell you something," her voice is very quiet and ragged. "Yes," I say crying some more and leaning down for her to talk.

"Tell my family that I love them all so much. Tell them that I didn't die in vain. That I died to save them"

I nod. Her voice is so very quiet now, I have to guess at some words. "Blight Midnight, I love you. Don't ever, ever forget that." She rasps.
"I won't. Never." I choke out. Why is this happening to her? One single tear rolls out of her eye, and I wipe it away.

It is still on my finger when she dies.


I kiss her one last time, and close her eyes. There. Now she could be sleeping. I gently pull the knife out of her back, and hurl it into the crevasse. I lay her on the ground and pull off my token, my silver locket. It didn't belong to anybody, I just happened to be wearing it at my Reaping. Gently, I place it around her neck.

The next few hours are a blur. It is night now, and I lean against a tree. I can see nothing, hear nothing. Feel nothing. I fall asleep.

That is when the canyon erupts.

The Bright Sun (The Skye Above Book 2) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt