Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Chloe's P.O.V

"Chloe, it's 2 pm. Go outside and do something." My dad said at my door. I sat up and looked at him while saying, "Dad, there's nothing to do?" 

"Well," He paused, thinking of something for me to do. "Go show Luke around! His parents told me they weren't familair with the place." He said. I got up, and Ashton stayed laying down on my bed.

"Fine." I muttered. It's not that I don't want to show Luke around, it's just that I don't want to go outside. It's hot out. My dad left, closing the door.

"You coming?" I asked Ashton, standing next to my bed, looking down at him.

"Nah." He smiled. I climbed over him and to my window.

"Luke." I called. He looked at the window at me and smiled.

"Hey." He said, sitting down on his bed.

"Are you doing anything today?" I asked, his shaking his head. "Okay, maybe I could show you around?" 

"Yeah sure, when?" He said, a big smile on his face, making me smile a little.

"I'll be over in twenty minutes." He nodded, before leaving and I skipped over to my closet, picking out something to wear. I searched and searched until I found a simple tank top, with white shirts because white shorts fits with everything.

"Does this look okay?" I asked, holding the shirt and shorts up.

"Per-fect." He said, like Leeroy in Best Song Ever which I made him watch like, eighty times. I giggled and skipped into the bathroom, quickly changing. I rushed out of the room and burst into my room and again., wanting to scare Ashton. Success.


I walked next door and knocked on the door, and Liz awnsered it.

"Hi Chloe!" She smiled. 

"Hey, I was just wondering if Luke wanted me to show him around." I smiled back, walking inside.

"Of course!" She walked at the top of the stairs, and yelled up, "Luke! Chloe is here!" Luke walked downstairs, and walked out the door with me.

 "Bye mom!" He said, before shutting the door. "So where are we going?" he asked, as we walked down the sidewalk.

"I don't really know. My dad just told me to get out of the house, but Ashton gets to stay." I sighed. We walked and talked and walked and talked, he seems like a really nice kid,

"Do I look, cool?" He said, saying cool as if it wasn't the right word."

"Yeah, why?" I laughed. We were now sitting in the middle of the woods, at 10 at night, talking about shit.

"I don't know I kind of tried to changr, and I really like it." He said, admiring his shirt.

"Why'd you change?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. He looked up at the sky, and back into my eyes.

"When I caught Jess, I kind of thought I just wasn't really good enough for anyone." He sighed.

"oh." Is all I said.

"Well, It's getting late I guess we should head back." he extended his hand, and I gladly took it. But as soon as I could stand up, we disconnected, and walked home in silence.


but idk this story isn't really good i guess.

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Should I delete it?

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