Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Chloe's P.O.V

After work, my dad insisted that he picked me up because he just got home from the beach, and wanted to spend time with me. Plus, he said he had a surprise so why not?

"So what's the surrise?" I quickly asked waving back to Calum and Miss Kathy.

"A surprise." he said back to me. I rolled my eyes and stared at the window.

A few minutes later, we arrived at home and I hopped out of the car and raced to the front door. I couldn't wait and was very curious so I opened the door, and saw Tyler, my brother.

"Heeey! Chloe!" he said, putting down the chocolate chip cookies he was currently eating and walked over to me, arms out.

I hesitantly walked into his open arms and he embraced me. I stood there with my jacket in one hand, and my keys and phone in another and he hugged me.

"I was sort of thinking we could go out, just you and me." He nudged me. I nodded,

"Where?" I asked, walking to the stairs.

"I don't care, I'll take you shopping!" he smiled.

"Now?" I asked, he nodded. "I'll just, get changed real quick then."

I darted to my room, changing my shirt to a band shirt, and kept my jean shorts, and ran downstairs.

"Should I bring money?" I asked, standing on the steps.

"No it's all on me." he said, grabbing his car keys and waving bye to my dad.


After that shopping spree with Tyler, I decided to have Luke over. My dad and Tyler went out, so it was just me. Luke's dad was home at his house so we agreed on mine instantly.

"What do you want to do?" Luke asked me, placing his hands on my hips, smirking at me.

"I don't know." I smiled, placing my arms around his neck. Who would've thought, your best friend moving away would've turned out perfectly fine?

He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips, smiling.

"Do you want to bake a cake?" He asked. I gave him a weird look, saying 'Where did you get that idea from'

"Come on!" he let go of my waist and pulled me into the kitchen. I sat on a chair while he pulled everything out.

"You look like a bad boy." I chuckled, observing him. He always wore black skinny jeans with a hole on his knee. And the lip ring topped the whole bad boy look off too.
"Until someone finds you baking a cake."

He laughed while grabbing a big bowl and started mixing everything together. "Are you helping?" he asked. I got out of my seat and walked over to him.

I picked up two eggs and handed them to him.

"Oh so your just going to be my assistent?" he said, raising an eyebrow. I nodded my head while we both laughed a little.

He finished mixing everything and popped the cake into the oven, setting the timer.

"Are u happy you got to make your cake now?" I said to him and he nodded, giving me a kiss before walking over to the living room.

"What now?" he asked. I laughed at him slightly. He always has to be doing something he can never sit still.

"Is that a new shirt?" he asked as I took a seat next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I cuddled into his shoulder.

"Yeah. Tyler took me shopping today." I said. I was happy he was trying but why now.

"How'd that go?"

"Okay. He was trying at least." I said, playing with Luke's fingers.

"Wanna go somewhere?" he asked, leaning his head on the top of mine.

"Can we get Lunch?" I asked, suddenly hungry

"Yeah, should we order pizza?" he smiled and I nodded. He looks very proud that he knows my favorite food. It's adorable.

"Why don't you invite Katie over?" I looked over at him as he laughed. "What? Me and Katie are like this." he said, crossing his two fingers over each other while he dialed the pizza place's number.

"I mean, I guess." I said, basically to myself since he was on the phone. I quickly texted Katie if she wanted to hang with Luke and I.

To Katie:

Wanna hang with me and Luke for a little bit?

From Katie:

Third wheel? No thanks.. Besides in have a lunch date with Calum. ;)

To Katie:

I hope that winky face doesn't mean what I think it does.. but have fun not too much ;)))

"Pizza will be here in 10 minutes." Luke informed me.

"Okay." I said walking over to the wii.

"Wanna play?" I asked as he plopped on the couch.

"Sure, what game?"

"Wipeout.. just dance I don't care."

"Just dance." he laughed, knowing how bad of a dancer we both are.

"4?" I asked, and he nodded. Just Dance 4 was both of our favorite Just Dance.

A/N wow okay I didn't expect this story to get so popular but 2.5K reads is amazing ily all :)

Please check out my Michael fan fic ! And don't forget to vote for this story and the Michael one

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