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Currently, Demoncape was not in a very good position to be in.

It turns out, alien colonies don't appreciate it when you sneak on board their ship and try to steal their technology.

It wasn't like Demoncape KNEW they'd be there, she hadn't really figured a decrepit ship like this would still have life on it.

You're an idiot, aren't you Demoncape. Then again, with a name like Demoncape I figure you wouldn't be good at much of anything either way.

It's not like she can hear me, I could say whatever I want to right now and she wouldn't know.

Demoncape is a diaper baby.

Demoncape looks like a dogs rear end.

Demoncape's brain is made out of jelly.

But enough of exploiting my power to come up with witty insults, time to move on to the real deal.

So, here she was. Currently being held under the arms and dragged along a dimly lit walkway by two lanky, green, bug like aliens. 

"H-Hey, you got the wrong guy here! I swear I was just having a look around. Hey, That's a nice...antenna you got there, how much did that cost, am I right?" Demoncape laughed nervously and the aliens spoke to each other in a foreign language, mostly consisting of gurgling sounds.

"I'm n-not saying you have implants or anything like that, I'm sure you're a very beautiful alien in uhm...Alien standards." As you can tell, DC has a very eloquent way of talking herself out of situations. 

The aliens simply ignored her remarks and soon enough, she was at the center of a large, courtroom looking place.

There were dozens of similar looking creatures sitting up on a balcony above, watching her every movement. Some of them chucked alien brand popcorn™ at her, which she was not too happy about.

A huge fat, slimy alien was centered in the middle of the room on a large pedestal, guards on the either side of it. Demoncape figured, this was their leader.

"Alright, Alright, settle down everyone."

The crowd continued to get noisier and noisier, throwing even more confectionaries at D.C, one even managed to lob a shoe in her direction, whacking against her head and falling to the floor.

"I SAID, SETTLE DOWN EVERYONE." The aliens mouth opened, showing rows upon rows of sharp, yellow teeth and pink gums, stringy saliva flying out, some of it landing on Demoncape's face.

The room went silent, and Demoncape wiped the slime off her face, before rubbing the back of her now sore head.

"Uh....Hello your....Majesty? I seem to have caused a great ruckus within your group and I apologize for that, however I would be happy if you were to let me go and I will be on my way."

 She tried to turn around and go back the way she came but the two guards blocked her path. She tried pulling on the limbs of the aliens but to no avail, she braced her foot on one of the aliens torsos and pulled with all her might.

"Do not try to escape, human, and silence your pathetic begging, we will do no such thing."

The monster spoke again. Demoncape rolled her eyes, sighing and turning back to face the leader.

"And why might that be?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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