The past pt 3

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It's been three days since the night-screaming and I'd become more closed off than ever. During mealtime I would sit with teachers and avoid their pitiful glances. I grew more hostile, too. When other kids came near me I responded with sarcasm dripping every word. I stayed away from people with my head in my books, until the last night...a bonfire. Grrrreat, a huge pit of fire for
the pyromaniac! (Hint the sarcasm) I made haste in taking my torched s'more to the back of the crowd so I could eat in peace. When the s'more time had come and gone, I sat alone simply gripping onto the stake that I used to roast my marshmallow. I felt something off- like I should keep my guard up...thaaats when my idiot "friend" decided to walk up behind me and scream "slenders coming!" She scared me, my fight or flight instantly becomes fight as I turn faster than one could bat an eye and swung my weapon-wielding hand at her. Thank deity that she had half the mind to duck, escaping the ordeal with a measly scratch below her eye. This was the last time I would have an experience for a few years.

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