Log two : catching up

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Hey guys! Jp here and I wanted to say sorry for the lack of updates on my "current situation" so I'll give you the quick run down on what you've missed!

So, since I've last updated I've noticed dark figures standing around my bed and in the corners of my room late at night. I've also had my slenders sickness get worse. It's impaired my memory and I've ended up losing half my day! That may seem like nothing compared to the stuff the cast of marble hornets go through but to me, it's a lot. My dogs bark at the thinly wooded area without there being any visible threat, and I find half written stories I made a month ago completed from top to bottom with cryptic writing that seems to imitate my own writing. It's sort of hard to explain...the writing looks like mine but more slanted in a way- and it's less rushed looking than mine because I'm a fast writer. I've smartened up and started locking windows now to be extra careful! Aaaaaaand I've met a few other people who've had creepypasta experiences! They're pretty nice. As far as I know that's it, besides the weird night terrors and visions of a rake-like demon prowling in my house. That's all for now, dear readers, so goodbye and always remember : you don't have to be afraid <3 ~Jp

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