Prompt #1

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  Prompt: You buy your son a teddy bear. Unknown to you, the bear pledged his life to your son. Every night, it protects your son from the monsters in the dark.  

            The teddy bear was very unassuming. It had the normal features of a stuffed bear, with a few imperfections here and there. But overall, cute and perfect for a 6 year old boy. It came with a few accessories. Like a plastic sword, plastic boots, a shirt and pants. Again, perfect for a 6 year old boy. I was planning on giving it to him on Christmas, but he's a good kid. He deserves an early present. So, as soon as I got home I called him down to get it. "Andy, come down here. I got you something." 

            I can already here his little feet pounding down the stairs. Not long after he is at my feet and begging to see it. Of course I immediately give it to him. He seemed excited, mentioned something about it being able to fight off the monsters. Obviously monsters aren't real, but, he's 6 so I let him believe it. Andy hugs the bear tightly. And out of the corner of my eye it looks like the bear is hugging him back with his arms around Andy. Just a trick of the mind Right? It's late anyways. We should all get to bed.

          "Mommy, can you come read me a story?" Andy asks. "Of course, I'll be right there." I respond. I quickly walk up the stairs so as not to keep him up any longer than he has to. When I get in there he is already under the covers and clutching onto the bear with a slight smile on his face. "Alright, what will it be tonight bud?" I ask him, going over to his bookshelf. "Um, I kind of changed my mind mommy, good night." Andy says and rolls over frantically. Okay, that's odd, but it's late so I leave it at that. I shut off the light and close the door. 

            I go to my bedroom and change into my pajamas and crawl into bed. I close my eyes and almost instantly fall asleep. Around 1 in the morning I hear whimpering and scuffling coming out of Andy's room. I shoot out of bed and run to Andy's room. But I find that the door is locked. I start slamming on it with my shoulder. Eventually the door gives way and I come tumbling into the bedroom. There, right in front of my eyes, is that little teddy bear with his plastic sword. I look over to my left and see the weirdest thing. Right in front of me is a gigantic monster. 

           Towering at at least 7 feet tall. And due to our low ceiling, he has to bend down. Which makes this even creepier. But, how is this teddy bear standing straight up with his sword in his hand? Then suddenly the teddy bear jumps up onto the monster. I run over to Andy but he doesn't seem scared at all for some reason. It really was a sight to see. A less than 1 foot furry little teddy bear tackling a 7 foot monster. Out of the blue, the monster drops to the floor and stops moving. Out comes the bear, drops his sword and climbs into bed with us like nothing happened. Well, I must have been dreaming.

          I pinch myself and nope, I' awake. Looking for the teddy bear, I finally spot it and grab it, holding it tight to my chest. "Thank you, thank, thank you." "Mom, what are you doing?" Andy asks, eyebrows knit together. I open my eyes and see my ceiling. Confused, I sit up and scan the room. Andy has the teddy bear in his hands. I go to his room and everything is fine, including his door. I turn around and look at the teddy bear. I see it wink. Thanks little guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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