Chapter 12

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Riley's POV:

I paused close to the edge of the road, searching for anyone nearby. Once positive I had no company, I shifted back into my human form. The transformation was pleasant, like my whole back was getting popped. 

Pulling myself to my feet, I brushed off my hands and knees. My once white pants were now a dusty color. Dinner was waiting inside though, so I had no time to worry about my pants. 

"I am home!" I called out into the house. The click of the door shutting behind me was barely audible. 

"Come to the dining room for dinner! Food is almost gone!" Rory called back. I smiled as I entered the room. My large family was sitting around a wooden table enjoying themselves and gorging their faces with food. On one end of the table was my dad and at the other end was my mom. I spotted the last empty seat between River and Rick. 

I plopped down on the chair, wasting no time in filling my plate. To outsiders, it would look like we were celebrating something huge. Except, this was actually our normal dinner size. 

Weres eat a lot, then times that by ten people and you got yourself the whole grocery store on one table. I reached for the noodles with pesto sauce, craving the basil flavor. The green noodles fell onto my plate, making my mouth water. 

"So how was the cave?" I asked, looking at my brothers. Their faces seemed to light up at the topic, clearly remembering what they found. 

"It was fantastic! It was pretty big, tall cieling, and some stalagmites here and there. It had a natural hot springs farther back, so we all went for a swim. You had to shift into a small animal to get inside though, so obviously no humans have been in there, " Royce said while grinning. 

"That isn't even the best part though! There are rocks in there that are the perfect shape for seats." Ryan told everyone. 

"Sounds cool, someone should show me tomorrow, " I replied. In reality, it did sound cool. I just can't wait to show them what I found.

"Want to explain to us what happened to you? You practically bailed on us!" cried Rick, turning to look at me. I blushed, remembering just all of what I saw. Or more like who I saw.

"Well I took off past the main road and shifted into an arctic fox. I blended in well with my surroundings, so it was perfect. Anyway, the forest started to thin out until there wasn't anymore trees in one area. I found a cliff, the view was amazing. I was about to call for you guys so we could jump into the river below, but I got sidetracked." I told them, recalling the recent events. They motioned for me to continue, so I did so.

"As I was looking around I saw the remains of a recent fire and some beer bottles. There was even tire tracks, so I assumed some Humans came up there every once in a while. Then I heard the sound of animals approaching, so I hid in a bush. Four Werewolves came into sight, and they shifted to their human form--" I blushed remembering the lack of clothing. "--Did you guys know that Werewolves didn't keep their clothes when they shift? I sure didn't so that was shocking. Luckily Jason brought shorts for the four of them."

"Jason was there?" Ryan asked with curiosity.

"Yeah. It was Jason, Zach, Thomas, and Kyle. They just sat there and did nothing for ever. I started to get uncomfortable in the bush so I moved. I guess I moved too much and the bush shuddered. They got all scared and Kyle came over to check it out. So I ran through his legs and taunted them. Long story short, they thought I had rabies. I took the chance and left, " I finished.

"That was not a short long story. That was a long story, period, " Raven grumbled, poking at his pasta. I blushed at the remark. Dang cheeks, why do you always turn red. 

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