#5 Rehearsals

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Chapter under editing

"You got everything you need?" mom stressed.

"Yes!" I said in frustration. "Mom, I really need to go. I'm meeting Christina."

Confusion clouded her face. "Who's..."

Remembering I hadn't told mom about Christina, I just said, "Never mind, see you later, bye."

I quickly left the apartment and didn't bother waiting for the elevator. I ran down the stairs, and met Christina at the doors.

"Are we rehearsing in the same place as we auditioned?" I asked her as we began walking.

"I think so." Suddenly an empty taxi approached and Christina quickly hailed it. We climbed in, both buzzing about how amazing this was going to be.

"We're going to be working, like, 24/7. Except weekends." Christina sighed.

I laughed. "So not 24/7, then."

When we arrived, Christina paid for the taxi and we nervously walked in.

I could see a couple of old dance members dancing with Justin, who was trying to imitate their moves, but he was making a joke out of it and doing them really badly. Justin looked up as we came in, and he grinned. This made me blush, but not as much as Christina.

"Hey, you guys are early," he greeted us.

"Oh, are we?" I said, throwing a quick glare at Christina She was just standing there, staring at Justin. I rolled my eyes and gathered the confidence to step a bit closer. "What was that you guys were doing?"

"Oh, this?" said one of the dancers, quickly doing a complicated, smooth move, then he gestured for Justin to imitate him. Justin tried - sort of. It was really funny, and Christina and I both laughed.

"Yeah, well, we're working on it," he said, throwing a look at Justin, who grinned sheepishly.

Huh. He's kinda cute.

"So you guys are... Ellen and Christina yeah?" Justin said. I nodded. "Cool, nice to meet you. I'm Justin... as you probably already know."

I nodded, suddenly lost for words - although not as much as Christina. She was standing there, with her mouth open, staring at Justin. Then she obviously thought better of it, and closed her mouth before smiling shyly at Justin.

It wasn't long before everyone else started arriving. We started by introducing ourselves.

"Okay, if you could all sit in a circle like the second grader's we all are at heart," Justin said, and I couldn't help but smile. We followed his instructions.

"So I'm Justin." Justin grinned. "I guess you guys already knew that." He looked towards the guy next to him.

"Hi guys, I'm Luke." He winked at the general area of girls, and I rolled my eyes. The next one was a pretty girl with short, dark brown hair.

"I'm Carlena." She smiled.

The next one, a guy with olive skin and close-cropped black hair, introduced himself as Jonathan. The girl after that with bright red hair was a bit older than me, and told us her name was Deirdre. Then was a girl with short kind of dark red hair whose name was Kaili, then a very gorgeous guy named CJ with tattoos and muscles and everything. Christina just stared at him along with the rest of the girls. Then there was a girl named Salemah with olive skin and dark curly hair, next a girl with long auburn hair and a fringe named Aubree. After Aubree was Nick – Nick DeMoura who we all knew – then another gorgeous guy with dark skin called Johnny. You want to find a gorgeous guy? Come dance for Justin Bieber. Lastly was a guy called Shaun. Like Shaun the Sheep. Good old Shaun.

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